by TruAlfa & IndoDic.com |
Vocabulary-Building Word Lists |
Indonesian Words |
English Translation |
Astronomy |
angkasa |
= |
atmosphere; firmament; sky;
space |
angkasa luar |
= |
outer space; the universe
outside of Earth's atmosphere |
angkasawan |
= |
spaceman; astronaut; cosmonaut |
antariksa |
= |
space; outer space; firmament |
asteroid |
= |
asteroid; an object in outer
space smaller than a planet that revolves around the sun |
astrologi |
= |
astrology; the study of objects
in outer space (planets, stars, etc.) |
astronaut |
= |
astronaut; a spaceman; a human
space traveler |
astronomi |
= |
astronomy; the science and study
of objects in outer space |
bimasakti |
= |
Milky Way galaxy; a large
cluster of stars in outer space |
bintang |
= |
star; constellation |
bintang berekor |
= |
comet; milky way constellation |
bintang bersinar |
= |
shining star |
Bintang Utara |
= |
North Star |
bulan |
= |
moon |
bulan muda |
= |
new moon; waxing moon |
bulan purnama |
= |
full moon |
bulan tua |
= |
waning moon; decreasing moon |
cahaya bulan |
= |
moonlight |
cakrawala |
= |
the horizon; the heavens; sky;
atmosphere; firmament; revolution |
declinasi |
= |
declination; a downward bend |
dirgantara |
= |
upper atmosphere; sky; outer
space |
gerhana |
= |
eclipse; a blocking from view of
an object in outer space |
gerhana bulan |
= |
lunar eclipse; an eclipse of the
moon |
gerhana matahari |
= |
solar eclipse; an eclipse of the
sun |
gerhana mutlak |
= |
total eclipse |
gerhana sebagian |
= |
partial eclipse |
ilmu falak |
= |
astronomy |
jagat raya |
= |
universe; cosmos |
Jupiter |
= |
Jupiter |
komet |
= |
comet; an object in outer space
that moves around the sun with a visible trail or "tail" |
kosmik |
= |
cosmic; relating to the cosmos;
regarding the universe |
kosmos |
= |
cosmos; universe |
langit |
= |
sky; heaven; firmament |
lapisan ozon |
= |
ozone layer |
Leo |
= |
Leo; the fifth sign of the
zodiac |
Libra |
= |
Libra; the seventh sign of the
zodiac |
lubang hitam |
= |
black hole; theoretical point in
the universe remaining from a collapsed star |
Mars |
= |
Mars (planet) |
matahari |
= |
sun; the star which planet Earth
orbits around |
Merkurius |
= |
Mercury; the planet Mercury |
meteor |
= |
meteor; an object from outer
space that enters the earth's atmosphere; a "falling star" |
nebula |
= |
nebula; a cloud of dust and gas
in outer space |
Neptunas |
= |
Neptune (planet) |
nujum |
= |
astrological predictions;
astrologer; stars |
orbit |
= |
orbit; the continuous revolving
of an object in outer space around another object |
pesawat antariksa |
= |
spaceship |
planet |
= |
planet; an object in outer space
that orbits around a star |
planetoid |
= |
planetoid; an object in outer
space like a small planet that orbits around a star |
Pluto |
= |
Pluto (planet) |
ramalan bintang |
= |
horoscope; astrological
forecasts of future events |
satelit |
= |
satellite; an orbiting object |
solstis |
= |
solstice |
stratosfer |
= |
stratosphere; the earth's outer
atmosphere |
surya |
= |
sun; solar |
tata surya |
= |
solar system |
teleskop |
= |
telescope; a device for viewing
and magnifying distant objects |
troposfer |
= |
troposphere; an atmospheric
layer existing above the earth's surface |
Uranus |
= |
Uranus (planet) |
Utarid |
= |
Mercury (planet) |
Venus |
= |
Venus (planet) |
zodiak |
= |
zodiac; astrological groupings
of stars or objects in outer space |
Body Parts |
alis |
= |
eyebrow; the line of hair above
a person's eye |
amandel |
= |
tonsils; the two small fleshy
organs at the rear of a person's tongue |
anatomi |
= |
anatomy; the science and study
of body structure |
arteri |
= |
artery; a large blood vessel
that carries blood from the heart |
aurat |
= |
a private part of the body not
to be exposed in public; sexual organ |
badan |
= |
hull; body; torso; trunk; figure |
badani |
= |
bodily; physical; corporal;
carnal; material |
badaniah |
= |
bodily; physical; corporal;
carnal; material |
bahu |
= |
shoulder |
batang leher |
= |
neck |
batang zakar |
= |
penis; male sex organ |
betis |
= |
the calf of a leg; the hind part
of a human leg below the knee |
bibir |
= |
lip; edge; hem |
bibir atas |
= |
upper lip |
bibir bawah |
= |
lower lip |
biji mata |
= |
eyeball; pupil |
biseps |
= |
biceps; a double-headed muscle;
a muscle of the upper arm |
bokong |
= |
buttocks; butt; posterior; rump;
fanny; buns |
botak |
= |
bald; bald headed; hairless;
without hair on the top of the head |
buah dada |
= |
breast; bosom; bust |
buah pelir |
= |
testicles |
colon |
= |
colon; large intestine |
cuping telinga |
= |
earlobe; the flesh at the bottom
of a person's ear |
dada |
= |
chest; breast; bosom; bust |
dagu |
= |
chin; the lower front part of a
person's jaw |
dahi |
= |
forehead; brow |
darah |
= |
blood |
dengkul |
= |
knee |
dubur |
= |
anus; the lower opening of the
bowel where feces is excreted |
esofagus |
= |
esophagus; gullet |
genitalia |
= |
genitals; genitalia; the
reproductive organs |
gigi |
= |
tooth; an object similar to a
tooth |
ginjal |
= |
kidney; a human organ that
excretes urine |
gland |
= |
a gland; a body organ that
produces a secretion |
gonad |
= |
gonad; testicle; male sex gland |
hati |
= |
heart; liver; emotional center;
inner self |
hidung |
= |
nose |
himen |
= |
hymen; a membrane partly closing
the orifice of the vagina |
janggut |
= |
beard; chin hair; chin |
jari |
= |
finger; toe; a shape like a
finger |
jari kaki |
= |
toe |
jari kelingking |
= |
little finger |
jari manis |
= |
ring finger |
jari tangan |
= |
finger |
jari telunjuk |
= |
index finger; forefinger |
jari tengah |
= |
middle finger |
jasmani |
= |
physique; body |
jasmaniah |
= |
physical; corporal; carnal;
material |
jemari |
= |
finger |
jempol |
= |
thumb; big toe |
jenggot |
= |
beard; chin hair |
kaki |
= |
foot; lower leg; lower part;
foundation |
kandung kemih |
= |
urinary bladder; a body organ
that stores urine |
kelenjar |
= |
a gland; a body organ that
secretes fluids |
kelenjar air mata |
= |
tear duct gland; a gland that
secretes tears when crying, etc. |
kelopak mata |
= |
eyelid; the layer of skin above
the eye |
kemaluan |
= |
genitals; the external
reproductive sexual organs |
kemaluan laki-laki |
= |
male genitals; the external
reproductive organs of a male |
kemaluan perempuan |
= |
female genitals; the external
reproductive organs of a female |
kening |
= |
eyebrow; brow; forehead |
kepala |
= |
head; headman; chief |
kerongkongan |
= |
throat; gullet; wind pipe |
ketiak |
= |
armpit; the hollow area under
the arm at the shoulder |
kornea |
= |
cornea; a membrane covering the
front of an eyeball |
kuku |
= |
fingernail; toenail; claw; hoof;
nail |
kuku kaki |
= |
toenail |
kuku tangan |
= |
fingernail |
kulit kepala |
= |
scalp; the skin on the top of
the head |
kumis |
= |
moustache; hair growth on a
man's upper lip |
kuping |
= |
ear |
kutil |
= |
wart; a mole; a small growth on
the skin |
leher |
= |
neck; throat area |
lengan |
= |
arm; sleeve |
liang kemaluan |
= |
vagina |
lidah |
= |
tongue; an object shaped like a
tongue |
lutut |
= |
knee; the leg joint between the
thigh and the lower leg |
mata |
= |
eye |
muka |
= |
face; front; surface; surface
level |
mukosa |
= |
mucus; a sticky body fluid in
the nose and throat area |
mulut |
= |
mouth; aperture; an opening
similar to a mouth |
otak |
= |
brain; mind; intellect |
otot |
= |
muscle; sinew; tendon |
paha |
= |
thigh; the part of a leg above
the knee |
pangkal paha |
= |
hip; groin; crotch |
pankreas |
= |
pancreas; a body organ near the
stomach that secretes juices |
pantat |
= |
buttocks; butt; buns; posterior;
rump; fanny |
paru-paru |
= |
lungs; body organs used for
breathing |
payudara |
= |
breast; teat; female organ for
feeding milk to offspring |
pelipis |
= |
temple area (side of the head) |
pelir |
= |
penis; male genitals |
pelupuk mata |
= |
eyelid; the skin covering the
front of the eyeball |
pembuluh darah |
= |
blood vessel; blood vein |
pembuluh nadi |
= |
artery; a blood vessel that
carries blood from the heart |
pergelangan kaki |
= |
ankle |
perut |
= |
stomach; belly; gut; tummy |
pinggang |
= |
waist; loin; mid-section of the
torso |
pinggul |
= |
hip; seat; rear end; haunches |
pipi |
= |
cheek; the fleshy side of a
person's mouth |
pita suara |
= |
vocal cords |
pori-pori |
= |
skin pores |
puki |
= |
vagina; vulva; female genitals |
punggung |
= |
a back; a part that is behind |
puting susu |
= |
nipple of a female breast |
rahang |
= |
jaw; jawbone; the bone where
teeth are embedded |
rahang atas |
= |
upper jawbone |
rahang bawah |
= |
lower jawbone |
rahim |
= |
womb; uterus |
rambut |
= |
hair |
rangka manusia |
= |
human skeleton |
rektum |
= |
rectum; anus; the end point of
the large intestine |
retina |
= |
retina; the membrane at the back
of the eyeball that senses light images |
saraf |
= |
nerve; nerve fiber |
sel darah |
= |
blood cell; corpuscle |
sel tunas |
= |
stem cell; a cell that
replicates itself |
selangkangan |
= |
groin; crotch area |
siku |
= |
elbow |
tangan |
= |
arm; hand; forearm; wrist |
tapak tangan |
= |
palm of the hand |
telapak kaki |
= |
sole of the foot or shoe |
telapak tangan |
= |
palm of the hand |
telinga |
= |
ear |
tenggorok |
= |
throat; larynx |
testis |
= |
testicle; gonad |
tonsil |
= |
tonsil; fleshy tissue at the
back of the mouth |
tubuh |
= |
body; the physical body; torso |
tulang |
= |
bone |
tulang belakang |
= |
backbone |
tulang kering |
= |
shinbone; shank |
tulang punggung |
= |
backbone |
tulang rusuk |
rib; rib bone; roof rafter |
tumit |
= |
a heel; the lower back part of a
foot |
urat |
= |
vein; muscle; sinew; nerve;
tendon; fiber |
urat nadi |
= |
artery |
urat saraf |
= |
nerve |
usus |
= |
intestines; bowels; entrails |
vagina |
= |
vagina; a tube connecting the
womb to the vulva in females |
zakar |
= |
penis; the male sex organ |
Colors |
warna |
= |
color; tint; type; style |
ungu |
= |
purple color; violet color;
lilac color |
sawo matang |
= |
light brown color; a common
Indonesian skin color |
putih |
= |
white; pure; clean |
pirang |
= |
blond; a light reddish-brown
color |
pastel |
= |
pastel; a lighter or softer
shade of a color |
merah tua |
= |
crimson color; dark red color |
merah muda |
= |
pink color |
merah |
= |
red color |
luntur |
= |
faded; discolored; lackluster;
weakened; decreased |
kuning |
= |
yellow (color) |
keputihan |
= |
whitish; rather white; whiteness |
kemerahan |
= |
reddish; ruddy; somewhat red;
rather red |
kekuningan |
= |
yellowness; yellowish; yellowy |
kehitaman |
= |
blackness; darkness |
kebiruan |
= |
bluish (color); rather blue |
keabu-abuan |
= |
grayish (color); somewhat gray |
hitam |
= |
black; dark |
hijau |
= |
green (color); unripe (fruit,
etc.) |
biru muda |
= |
light blue color |
biru laut |
= |
navy blue color |
biru |
= |
blue |
berwarna |
= |
being colored; having a certain
color |
beraneka warna |
= |
colorful; multicolored |
abu-abu |
= |
gray; ash color |
Food and Drinks |
acar |
= |
a pickle; a preserved cucumber |
adonan |
= |
dough; food batter; food paste;
a mixture |
air |
= |
water; juice; liquid; fluid |
air dingin |
= |
cold water |
air es |
= |
ice; ice water |
air jeruk |
= |
orange juice; lemon juice;
citrus juice |
alat masak |
= |
kitchen utensils; cooking tools
and equipment |
alpokat |
= |
avocado; a small green fruit |
anggur |
= |
wine; grape; grape vine with
grapes |
apel |
= |
apple |
asam |
= |
sour; acidic; tart; bitter |
asin |
= |
salty; salted; saline |
ayam |
= |
chicken; fowl |
babi |
= |
pig; swine; hog; pork |
bakar |
= |
to burn; roast; bake; cook over
a fire; set fire to |
bawang merah |
= |
onion; shallots |
bawang putih |
= |
garlic |
bebek |
= |
duck; a type of web-footed bird
that lives near water |
beras |
= |
husked rice; uncooked rice |
bergizi |
= |
to be nutritious; nourishing;
nutritive; nutritional |
bir |
= |
beer; a fermented alcoholic
drink |
biskuit |
= |
biscuit; cracker; a small cake
of unleavened bread |
buah |
= |
fruit; an object like a fruit; a
piece; a unit |
buah segar |
= |
fresh fruit |
buah-buahan |
= |
fruits; many and varied fruits |
bubur |
= |
porridge; a hot cereal food |
bumbu |
= |
spice; seasoning; flavor |
bumbu basah |
= |
fresh spices (not dried) |
bumbu kering |
= |
dried spices |
bumbu masak |
= |
cooking spices |
bumbu-bumbu |
= |
condiments; spices; food
seasoning |
buncis |
= |
beans; green beans; string beans |
cabai |
= |
chili; red pepper; pepper |
cabe |
= |
chili; red pepper |
cangkir |
= |
cup; mug |
cengkeh |
= |
cloves; a type of aromatic spice |
cokelat (coklat) |
= |
chocolate (to eat); chocolate
color |
cuka |
= |
vinegar; a sour acidic liquid
used for preserving or preparing food |
daftar makanan |
= |
menu; bill of fare |
daging |
= |
meat; flesh; fruit flesh |
dahaga |
= |
thirsty; desiring a drink |
dekaf |
= |
decaf; decaffeinated; without
caffeine |
enak |
= |
delicious; tasty; delectable;
pleasant; nice; savory |
es |
= |
ice; frozen water |
es krim |
= |
ice cream |
es teh |
= |
iced tea |
gado-gado |
= |
vegetable salad; a spicy peanut
sauce food |
gandum |
= |
wheat; wheat flour; grain crops
that can be ground into flour |
garam |
= |
salt |
garpu |
= |
a fork |
gelas |
= |
a drinking glass; a glass
container |
ginseng |
= |
ginseng; a type of medicinal
root |
gizi |
= |
nutrition; nourishment; nutrient |
goreng |
= |
to fry; to be fried |
gula |
= |
sugar |
gula-gula |
= |
candy; sweets |
gulai |
= |
spicy soup; sauce; gravy; curry
soup; stew; goulash |
haus |
= |
thirsty; eager; desirous |
hidangan |
= |
prepared food; a meal; a course
of food; a serving; an offering |
ikan |
= |
fish |
ikan laut |
= |
saltwater fish; fish from the
ocean |
jagung |
= |
corn; maize |
jahe |
= |
ginger; a type of plant used as
a cooking spice |
jamur |
= |
mushroom; toadstool |
jeruk |
= |
citrus fruit; oranges; lemons |
jeruk manis |
= |
an orange; a type of citrus
fruit grown on trees |
jus |
= |
juice; the natural liquid
contained in fruits and vegetables |
jus buah |
= |
fruit juice |
kacang |
= |
bean; peanut; pea; nut |
kafe |
= |
cafe; restaurant |
kafein |
= |
caffeine; a stimulant found in
coffee and tea |
kalori |
= |
calorie; a unit of heat; the
energy potential of digested food |
kambing |
= |
goat; sheep; mutton |
karbohidrat |
= |
carbohydrate; a compound of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen |
kari |
= |
curry; a special mixture of food
spices |
kecap (1) |
= |
soy sauce; soybean |
kecap (2) |
= |
catsup; tomato ketchup |
kecap asin |
= |
salty soy sauce (not sweet) |
kecap manis |
= |
sweet soy sauce (not salty) |
keju |
= |
cheese; a food product made from
milk curds |
kelapa |
= |
coconut; coconut palm tree |
kentang |
= |
potato; spud |
kerupuk |
= |
a crispy snack food chip made
with flour and fish or shrimp |
ketela |
= |
tubers; yams; cassava; tuberous
plants |
ketela pohon |
= |
cassava; a plant with an edible
root used for making tapioca |
ketimun |
= |
cucumber; a green fruit from a
creeping plant that is often pickled |
ketumbar |
= |
coriander; a type of aromatic
spice |
kismis |
= |
raisin; currant |
koktail |
= |
cocktail; a mixed alcoholic
drink |
kol |
= |
cabbage; a type of green
vegetable with a round edible head |
kolesterol |
= |
cholesterol; a type of steroid
alcohol found in body tissue |
kopi |
= |
coffee |
kopi bubuk |
= |
powdered coffee; ground coffee |
krim |
= |
cream; the fatty substance in
unprocessed milk; cream color |
kuah |
= |
sauce; gravy; meat broth |
kue |
= |
cake; pastry; cookie |
kurma |
= |
date; a palm tree date |
lada |
= |
pepper |
lada hitam |
= |
black pepper |
lada merah |
= |
red pepper |
lapar |
= |
hungry; feeling a need to eat |
lauk |
= |
a side dish of food (usually
served with rice) |
lauk-pauk |
= |
various foods; miscellaneous
side dishes of food |
lemak |
= |
fat; grease; blubber; lard from
animal fat |
madu |
= |
honey; a sweet nectar made by
bees |
makan |
= |
to eat; consume food |
makan malam |
= |
dinner; evening meal |
makan pagi |
= |
breakfast; morning meal |
makan siang |
= |
lunch; mid-day meal |
makanan |
= |
a meal; food; foodstuffs;
cuisine |
makanan kaleng |
= |
canned food |
makan-makanan |
= |
foodstuffs; food; cuisine |
mangga |
= |
mango; a tropical fruit with
orange colored flesh |
manisan |
= |
sweets; candy; confection; a
food treat; sweetmeat |
margarin |
= |
margarine; oleomargarine |
martabak |
= |
pancake; a thin cake of fried
batter often served at breakfast |
masak |
= |
cooked; ripe; mature; prepared
(food, etc.) |
masakan |
= |
cooking; cuisine; a food course;
food dish; cooked food |
matang |
= |
ripe; mature; cooked; well-done;
mellow |
mentega |
= |
butter; a fatty substance
derived from cream |
mentimun |
= |
cucumber; a green fruit grown on
a creeping plant |
menu |
= |
menu; a list of available
choices; a list of food items available |
merica |
= |
pepper; white pepper |
mi |
= |
noodles; instant noodles |
mie |
= |
noodles; instant noodles |
mie goreng |
= |
fried noodles |
minuman |
= |
a beverage; a drink;
refreshments |
minuman keras |
= |
liquor; hard liquor; alcoholic
beverage; strong drink; libation |
minuman ringan |
= |
soft drink; a light beverage;
lemonade; non-alcoholic beverage |
minyak goreng |
= |
cooking oil |
minyak kelapa |
= |
coconut oil; oil extracted from
the flesh of the coconut |
minyak sawit |
= |
palm oil; cooking oil extracted
from the seeds of palm trees |
nanas |
= |
pineapple; a type of sweet
tropical fruit with yellow flesh |
nangka |
= |
jack fruit; a type of fruit
grown on a tree |
nasi |
= |
cooked rice |
nasi goreng |
= |
fried rice |
nasi putih |
= |
cooked white rice |
oranye |
= |
orange |
pahit |
= |
bitter; tart; not sweet; without
sugar (coffee, etc.) |
panggang |
= |
to grill; roast; toast; bake;
broil |
papaya |
= |
papaya; a type of tropical fruit |
pasta |
= |
pasta; various forms of dried
flour paste such as macaroni or spaghetti |
pedas |
= |
spicy; spicy hot flavoring;
pungent |
pepaya |
= |
papaya; papaw; a type of
tropical fruit |
permen |
= |
candy; peppermint; lollipop |
piring |
= |
dish; plate |
pisang |
= |
banana |
pisau |
= |
knife |
pizza |
= |
pizza |
protein |
= |
protein; an essential element in
nutritional food |
puding |
= |
pudding; a thick creamy dessert
food |
rambutan |
= |
litchi fruit; a small hairy
red-skinned fruit; a "hairy cherry" |
rasa |
= |
feeling; sensation; thinking;
taste; flavor; notion |
rebus |
= |
boiled; stewed; brewed |
rendah kalori |
= |
low calorie |
rendang |
= |
a food dish of spicy meat cooked
in coconut milk |
restoran |
= |
restaurant; cafe |
roti |
= |
bread |
salad |
= |
salad; a food serving of various
raw vegetables |
sambal |
= |
hot sauce; spicy sauce; chili
sauce |
santan |
= |
coconut milk |
santan kelapa |
= |
coconut milk |
santap |
= |
to eat and drink; dine; to
banquet; to absorb |
santapan |
= |
food; a meal; grub; chow |
saos |
= |
sauce |
sarapan pagi |
= |
breakfast |
sate |
= |
a food of skewered meat with
vegetables; a kabob meat dish |
saus |
= |
sauce |
saus cabai |
= |
chili sauce |
saus tomat |
= |
catsup; ketchup |
sayur |
= |
vegetable; a class of edible
food plants |
sayur mayur |
= |
vegetables in general; all sorts
of vegetables; fresh vegetables |
sayuran |
= |
vegetables; edible food plants |
sayur-sayuran |
= |
various vegetables; wide variety
of vegetables |
segar |
= |
fresh; new; fit; healthy |
selera |
= |
appetite; taste; desire for
food; desires in general; wants |
semangka |
= |
a melon; a watermelon |
semangka air |
= |
watermelon; a large melon with
red and watery flesh |
sendok |
= |
a spoon; ladle; a scooping
utensil |
sendok makan |
= |
tablespoon; dessert spoon |
sendok teh |
= |
teaspoon |
sereal |
= |
cereal; a food product made from
processed grain |
singkong |
= |
cassava; a plant with an edible
starchy root used to make tapioca |
sosis |
= |
sausage; a spicy meat product
like a hot dog |
soto |
= |
a spicy soup; a meat soup |
soto ayam |
= |
chicken broth soup |
spageti |
= |
spaghetti; a type of long and
thin pasta |
sup |
= |
soup; a type of hot liquid food |
susu |
= |
milk |
susu bubuk |
= |
powdered milk |
tahu |
= |
soybean curds; tofu; bean curds |
tanpa gula |
= |
without sugar |
teh |
= |
tea |
telur |
= |
egg |
telur goreng |
= |
fried egg |
telur rebus |
= |
boiled egg |
teman nasi |
= |
side dish of food with rice |
tempe |
= |
soybean cake; fermented soy cake |
tepung |
= |
flour; powder; ground meal |
tepung beras |
= |
rice flour |
tepung terigu |
= |
wheat flour |
terasi |
= |
fish paste; shrimp paste; food
paste |
terigu |
= |
wheat; cereal |
tiram |
= |
oyster; a type of edible
shellfish; a type of mollusc |
toko makanan |
= |
food store; grocery store |
tomat |
= |
tomato; a type of red vegetable
grown on climbing plants |
tuak |
= |
palm wine; toddy; rice beer;
sago beer |
ubi |
= |
an edible tuber; a root plant
food crop |
udang |
= |
shrimp; prawn; lobster |
warung |
= |
food stall; eating place; small
restaurant; diner |
wortel |
= |
carrot; a vegetable with an
orange colored root |
zaitun |
= |
olives; olive tree |
Geographic |
air panas |
= |
hot springs; hot water |
air terjun |
= |
waterfall; a cascade of water |
anak sungai |
= |
stream; tributary river |
arkeolog |
= |
archaeologist; a person who
studies archaeology |
arkeologi |
= |
archaeology; the study of
ancient peoples and objects |
batu |
= |
stone; rock |
batu bara |
= |
coal |
benua |
= |
continent; empire; realm;
kingdom |
besi |
= |
iron |
bumi |
= |
earth; planet earth; soil;
ground; land |
danau |
= |
lake; pool; reservoir; body of
standing water |
darat |
= |
land; shore; coast; mainland |
daratan |
= |
continent; mainland; landmass; a
wide expanse of land |
dunia |
= |
world; earthly life; planet
earth |
ekosistem |
= |
ecosystem; the system of living
creatures in a certain area |
garis lintang |
= |
latitude; horizontal line |
gempa bumi |
= |
earthquake; a shaking of the
earth's surface |
geofisika |
= |
geophysics; the physics of
planet earth |
geografi |
= |
geography; study of earth's
physical features |
geografis |
= |
geographical; regarding
geography |
geolog |
= |
geologist; a person who studies
geology |
geologi |
= |
geology; the study of the
earth's crust and subsurface |
geologis |
= |
geologic; geological; regarding
geology |
gletser |
= |
glacier; a slowly moving river
of ice |
global |
= |
global; worldwide |
globalisasi |
= |
globalization; the linking of
many parts of the world into a single "community" |
gua |
= |
cave; cavern; grotto |
gunung |
= |
mountain; hill |
gunung api |
= |
volcano; fire mountain |
gunung es |
= |
iceberg; a huge chunk of
floating ice in the sea |
gurun |
= |
desert; wasteland; wilderness |
hutan |
= |
forest; jungle; woods; woodlands |
kaldera |
= |
caldera; the collapsed remnants
of a volcano cone |
kerikil |
= |
gravel; pebbles; small rocks
used to surface roads, for construction, etc. |
khatulistiwa |
= |
equator; the imaginary line
around the earth |
kolam |
= |
pond; pool; basin; tank |
kutub selatan |
= |
south pole |
kutub utara |
= |
north pole |
laut |
= |
sea; ocean |
lautan |
= |
ocean; sea; a wide expanse of
sea |
lava |
= |
lava; the hot liquid matter
expelled from a volcano |
lembah |
= |
valley; basin; trough |
muara |
= |
estuary; river mouth; the place
where a river ends |
nusa |
= |
island |
nusantara |
= |
archipelago; Indonesian
archipelago; island empire |
padang |
= |
a field; a plain |
pantai |
= |
beach; coast; shoreline;
seaside; seashore |
pasir |
= |
sand; sandy beach |
peta |
= |
a picture; map; chart; sign |
pulau |
= |
island |
puncak |
= |
summit; peak; top; acme;
pinnacle; highlight; climax |
selat |
= |
strait (water passage); a narrow
sea channel between two land masses |
sungai |
= |
river; flowing water |
tanah |
= |
earth; land; soil; ground; dirt;
realty; real estate |
tanjung |
= |
cape; promontory; a projection
of land into a body of water |
tektonik |
= |
tectonics; large-scale changes
and movements of the earth's crust |
teluk |
= |
bay; gulf; bight; inlet |
topografi |
= |
topography; natural land
features |
tropis |
= |
tropical; regarding the tropics
or the climate in the tropics |
vulkanik |
= |
volcanic; regarding a volcano or
the matter expelled from a volcano |
vulkanologi |
= |
vulcanology; the study of
volcanic activity |
Accommodation |
akomodasi |
= |
accommodation; housing or
lodging facilities |
bantal |
= |
pillow; cushion; pad |
belboi |
= |
bellhop; bell boy |
handuk |
= |
towel; an absorbent cloth for
drying the body |
hotel |
= |
hotel |
hotel berbintang |
= |
a star-rated hotel |
hotel murah |
= |
a cheap hotel; inexpensive hotel |
kasur |
= |
mattress; a thick sleeping pad |
kipas angin |
= |
electric fan |
losmen |
= |
inn; cheap hotel; family-run inn |
penginapan |
= |
inexpensive hotel; a lodge; inn;
a place to spend the night |
sarung bantal |
= |
pillowcase; a cloth pillow cover |
selimut |
= |
a blanket; a cover |
seprei |
= |
a sheet; a bedsheet |
televisi |
= |
television |
tilam |
= |
mattress; sleeping cushion |
Language |
abjad |
= |
alphabet; the entire group of
letters used in a language |
abreviasi |
= |
abbreviation; a shortened form
of a word |
adjektiva |
= |
adjective; a type of word that
describes or modifies nouns |
afiks |
= |
affix; a prefix, suffix or
confix |
ahli bahasa |
= |
linguist; a language specialist |
akar kata |
= |
root word; base word |
akhiran |
= |
a suffix; a letter or letters
added at the end of a word to create a new word |
akronim |
= |
acronym; a word formed from
selected letters of two or more words |
alfabet |
= |
alphabet; a listing of all
letters used in a language |
alinea |
= |
paragraph; a grouping of related
sentences |
apostrof |
= |
apostrophe; a type of
punctuation mark |
awalan |
= |
a prefix; a set of letters
attached to the front of a word |
bab |
= |
chapter; article; paragraph |
baca |
= |
to read; peruse |
bacaan |
= |
reading material; literature |
bahasa |
= |
language; speech; polite manners |
bahasa asing |
= |
foreign language |
bahasa daerah |
= |
local language; vernacular;
dialect |
bahasa ibu |
= |
mother language |
bahasa Indonesia |
= |
Indonesian language |
bahasa Inggris |
= |
English language |
bahasa isyarat |
= |
sign language; hand signal
language |
bahasa lisan |
= |
spoken language; verbal language |
bahasa tubuh |
= |
body language; body movements as
a form of communication |
bicara |
= |
speaking; talking; discussing;
discussion; a talk |
buku |
= |
book |
buta huruf |
= |
illiterate; unable to read or
write |
diksi |
= |
diction; the selection and use
of words |
dosen |
= |
lecturer; university lecturer;
professor |
dwibahasa |
= |
bilingual; having or knowing two
languages |
ejaan |
= |
spelling; saying or writing the
letters of a word correctly |
etimologi |
= |
etymology; the science and study
of word origins and meanings |
frasa |
= |
phrase; a group of words forming
a mental concept |
gaya bahasa |
= |
language style; writing style |
gramatikal |
= |
grammatical; regarding grammar |
hafal |
= |
to memorize; commit to memory;
to know by heart; learn by rote |
huruf |
= |
a letter of the alphabet; a
written character |
huruf abjad |
= |
letters of the alphabet |
huruf besar |
= |
capitalized; capital letter |
huruf kecil |
= |
lower case letter of the
alphabet; not capitalized letter |
huruf miring |
= |
italics; italicized letter or
character |
huruf tebal |
= |
boldface type letter or
character; bold lettering |
ilmu bahasa |
= |
linguistics; the science and
study of language |
istilah |
= |
word; term; terminology |
jenis kata |
= |
word type (noun, verb, etc.) |
kalimat |
= |
sentence; clause; saying; creed |
kamus |
= |
dictionary; a lexicon; a
reference book of words |
kamus dwibahasa |
= |
bilingual dictionary; a
translation dictionary |
kamus lengkap |
= |
a complete dictionary;
unabridged dictionary; comprehensive dictionary |
kamus ringkas |
= |
concise dictionary |
kamus saku |
= |
pocket dictionary |
kata |
= |
word; term; saying; phrase;
remark |
kata benda |
= |
noun; a substantive noun |
kata dasar |
= |
word root; word base; radical
word; root word |
kata depan |
= |
preposition; a word used to
create phrases that modify verbs, nouns or adjectives |
kata ganti |
= |
pronoun; a word used as a
substitute for a noun or proper noun |
kata kerja |
= |
verb; an word that expresses
action |
kata kerja tak beraturan |
= |
irregular verbs |
kata keterangan |
= |
adverb |
kata sambung |
= |
conjunction |
kata seru |
= |
exclamation word; interjection;
expletive |
kata sifat |
= |
adjective; a word that qualifies
or describes a noun or pronoun |
kata tugas |
= |
working words such as
prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, articles and particles |
kata turunan |
= |
kata baru yang diturunkan dari
kata dasar yang mendapat imbuhan. |
kiasan |
= |
analogy; metaphor; allusion;
allegory; figure of speech |
klausul |
= |
clause; a group of words that
forms part of a sentence |
koma |
= |
comma; a punctuation mark
indicating a pause ( , ) |
konfiks |
= |
confix; circumfix; a special
prefix and suffix added together to another word |
konotasi |
= |
a connotation; an implication; a
suggested meaning |
kutipan |
= |
a quote; copy; citation;
quotation; excerpt; extract; passage |
lafal |
= |
pronunciation; the way words are
spoken or pronounced |
lafal |
= |
pronunciation; the style of
pronouncing or saying words |
leksikon |
= |
lexicon; a dictionary; language
vocabulary |
linguistik |
= |
linguistic; regarding language |
logat |
= |
dialect; accent; pronunciation |
logat asing |
= |
foreign accent; an alien
sounding dialect |
makna |
= |
meaning; significance; sense;
connotation |
makna kiasan |
= |
figurative meaning; a meaning
other than a literal meaning |
menurut abjad |
= |
alphabetical order;
alphabetically; according to the letters of the alphabet |
metafor (metafora) |
= |
metaphor; a word or term used in
a figurative way |
morfologi |
= |
morphology; the study of the
structure and formation of things |
nomina |
= |
noun; a word used in reference
to a person, place or thing |
omongan |
= |
talk; a chat; a word; gossip; a
manner of speech |
partikel |
= |
particle; a grammatical unit
smaller than a word |
penerjemah |
= |
translator; interpreter |
penerjemahan |
= |
translation; translating;
deciphering |
penuturan |
= |
expression; pronunciation;
announcement; information |
percakapan |
= |
a conversation; dialogue;
discussion; interview; talk |
prefiks |
= |
a prefix; a standard set of
letters attached to the front of a word |
preposisi |
= |
preposition; a word used to
clarify relationships in sentences |
pronomina |
= |
pronoun; a word that can be used
in place of a noun |
sastra |
= |
literature; language |
sastrawan |
= |
a learned person; a man of
letters; a scholar |
seminar |
= |
seminar; a short educational
course or meeting |
sufiks |
= |
suffix; an affix added to the
end of a word |
suku kata |
= |
syllable; the smallest unit of
pronunciation in a word |
tafsir |
= |
interpretation; commentary;
explanation |
tanda baca |
= |
punctuation mark |
tanda koma |
= |
comma; a punctuation mark
indicating a pause or separation of parts ( , ) |
tanda kurung |
= |
parenthesis - ( ) |
tanda kurung kurawal |
= |
parenthesis with wavy lines -
{ } |
tanda kurung siku |
= |
brackets - [ ] |
tanda kutip |
= |
quotation mark; marks used to
indicate quoted words (" ") |
tanda tanya |
= |
question mark; a punctuation
mark used to indicate a question ( ? ) |
tata bahasa |
= |
grammar; rules of a language |
terjemahan |
= |
a translation; interpretation |
terminologi |
= |
terminology; specialized terms
or words |
titik |
= |
a period; dot; point; decimal
point |
titik dua |
= |
colon; a punctuation mark with
one dot above another ( : ) |
toko buku |
= |
bookshop; bookstore |
tutur |
= |
speech; talk; utterance;
language |
ucapan |
= |
phrase; statement; expression;
pronunciation; remark; utterance |
uji |
= |
exam; test; trial; experiment |
ungkapan |
= |
an expression; idiom; phrase;
cliche; platitude; gesture |
Medical |
ahli bedah |
= |
surgeon; a doctor who performs
surgery |
akupunktur |
= |
acupuncture; a type of medical
treatment applied by inserting needles |
alergi |
= |
allergy; an adverse physical
reaction to foods, pollen, etc. |
ambulans |
= |
ambulance; a type of emergency
medical vehicle |
antasida |
= |
antacid; a substance that
neutralizes acids |
antibiotik |
= |
antibiotic; a substance that
destroys bacteria |
antidota |
= |
antidote; medicine that
counteracts a poison |
antiseptik |
= |
antiseptic; a substance that
kills bacteria |
apotek |
= |
pharmacy; drug store;
dispensary; chemist's shop; apothecary |
asma |
= |
asthma; an unhealthy medical
condition which causes difficult breathing |
aspirin |
= |
aspirin; a type of pain killing
medicine |
bakteri |
= |
bacteria; a type of
microorganism; a microbe |
balut |
= |
bandage; wrap; dressing for a
wound |
batuk |
= |
a cough |
bedah |
= |
surgery; medical operation;
dissection |
bengkak |
= |
swollen; varicose; having tumors |
berak |
= |
to defecate; discharge feces; to
have a bowel movement |
bisa |
= |
poison; venom |
bisu |
= |
mute; dumb; noiseless; obtuse;
unable to speak |
bisu tuli |
= |
deaf and mute; deaf and dumb |
bisul |
= |
ulcer; abscess; tumor; a boil;
carbuncle; pimple |
bius |
= |
drugs; anesthesia |
bunting |
= |
pregnant; having a developing
offspring in the womb |
buta |
= |
blind; sightless; ignorant |
buta warna |
= |
color blind; unable to
distinguish colors by sight |
cacar |
= |
smallpox; a contagious disease
that causes high fevers and skin marks |
cacat |
= |
defect; deformity; flaw;
blemish; handicap; fault; stain; mar |
campak |
= |
measles; an infectious virus
disease which causes a red skin rash |
demam |
= |
fever; illness with fevers |
diabetes |
= |
diabetes; a physical disorder of
excess sugar in the blood |
diagnosa |
= |
diagnosis; analysis of the cause
of physical ailments by observing symptoms |
diare |
= |
diarrhea; an illness with
excessive looseness and discharge of feces |
dokter |
= |
doctor; physician |
dokter gigi |
= |
dentist |
dokter hewan |
= |
veterinarian; an animal doctor |
dokter jiwa |
= |
psychiatrist |
dokter kandungan |
= |
obstetrician; gynecologist |
dokter umum |
= |
general practice doctor |
efek samping |
= |
side effect; an effect of a
treatment that is in addition to the desired effect |
farmasi |
= |
pharmacy; dispensary; a place
for selling and dispensing medicinal drugs |
flu |
= |
flu; influenza |
flu burung |
= |
bird flu |
gatal |
= |
itchy; irritated; regarding a
skin irritation that creates a desire to scratch |
gawat darurat |
= |
hospital emergency room; a
critical emergency |
generik |
= |
generic; general; fungible; not
special or specific |
gigi palsu |
= |
false teeth; dentures |
gila |
= |
mad; insane; crazy; absurd;
delirious; deranged |
haid |
= |
menstruation; a woman's monthly
discharge of blood from the womb |
hama |
= |
disease; infection; pest; an
insect or small animal that attacks crops |
hamil |
= |
being pregnant; having a
pregnancy; to conceive |
hepatitis |
= |
hepatitis; an inflammation of
the liver |
hipertensi |
= |
hypertension; extreme tension;
abnormally high blood pressure |
holistik |
= |
holistic; whole; treating the
whole body (for health care) |
hormon |
= |
hormone; a secretion from a body
gland that stimulates growth |
imunisasi |
= |
immunization; making immune |
infeksi |
= |
infection; contamination of
disease in the body |
injeksi |
= |
injection; something injected |
iritasi |
= |
irritation; an annoyance;
something that irritates |
jamu |
= |
dried herbs; medicinal herbs |
jatuh sakit |
= |
to become sick; fall ill |
kacamata |
= |
eyeglasses; spectacles |
kadas |
= |
a type of skin rash; skin
fungus; a blotch |
kanker |
= |
cancer; a malignant growth or
tumor |
karantina |
= |
quarantine; isolation to prevent
the spread of illness |
kardiologi |
= |
cardiology; the branch of
medicine concerned with the heart |
keabnormalan |
= |
abnormality; a condition that is
not normal |
keadaan darurat |
= |
emergency; state of emergency;
exigency |
kencing |
= |
to urinate; to pee; to discharge
urine from the body |
kesehatan |
= |
health; well being; sanity |
kesehatan jiwa |
= |
mental well being; mental health |
keseleo |
= |
sprained; wrenched; injured a
limb by twisting or wrenching |
klinik |
= |
clinic; a health care facility |
kudis |
= |
scabies; itch; skin eruption;
skin rash; mange; a scab |
kurang gizi |
= |
malnutrition; an unhealthy
condition caused by a lack of nutritional food |
kurang tidur |
= |
insomnia; sleeplessness |
luka |
= |
wound; injury; bruise; a skin
cut |
luka bakar |
= |
a burn injury |
luka berat |
= |
badly wounded; seriously injured |
luka parah |
= |
badly wounded; seriously injured |
lumpuh |
= |
lame; paralyzed; immobilized |
maag |
= |
stomach illness; a gastric
problem or disorder |
mabuk |
= |
drunk; intoxicated; inebriated |
mabuk darat |
= |
nauseous motion sickness on land |
mabuk laut |
= |
seasick; nauseous sickness from
motion at sea |
mabuk udara |
= |
nauseous sickness from motion in
the air |
malaria |
= |
malaria; a tropical fever from
parasites |
mamogram |
= |
mammogram; an x-ray to test for
breast cancer in women |
masuk angin |
= |
intestinal or stomach gas;
flatulence |
medis |
= |
medical; regarding medicine and
health care |
menulari |
= |
to infect; contaminate; expose |
mual |
= |
nauseous; queasy; sickening;
disgusting; odious |
muntah |
= |
to vomit; throw up; retch;
upchuck; spew out |
nafas |
= |
a breath; air taken into and
expelled from the lungs |
nanah |
= |
pus; the fluid formed in an
inflamed abscess or wound |
neurologis |
= |
neurological; concerning nervous
system disorders |
nutrisi |
= |
nutrition; nourishment |
obat |
= |
medicine; drugs; medication;
therapy; remedy |
obat batuk |
= |
cough medicine |
obat bius |
= |
drugs; anesthetic; intoxicant;
narcotic |
pasien |
= |
patient; a person receiving
medical care; a sufferer of illness, injury, etc. |
penawar |
= |
antidote; remedy; cure; medicine |
penderita |
= |
a sufferer; a patient; a victim |
penyakit |
= |
illness; sickness; disease; a
sore; a health disturbance |
perawatan |
= |
nursing; treating; maintaining;
caring for; tending; upkeep |
perban |
= |
bandage; wound dressing |
pertolongan pertama |
= |
first aid; emergency medical
treatment or assistance |
pil |
= |
pill; tablet; capsule |
pilek |
= |
the condition of having a cold;
sick with a cold |
plester |
= |
bandage |
rawat |
= |
to nurse; treat; repair |
rumah sakit |
= |
hospital; clinic; infirmary |
sakit |
= |
sick; painful; ill; aching;
ailing; sore; hurt |
sakit gigi |
= |
toothache |
sakit kepala |
= |
headache |
sakit perut |
= |
stomach ache |
salah cerna |
= |
indigestion |
sehat |
= |
healthy; healthful; fit; sound;
well; salubrious; salutary |
selesma |
= |
a cold (illness); an illness
with a runny nose; influenza |
steril |
= |
sterile; aseptic; free of
contamination |
sterilisasi |
= |
sterilization; activity of
making sterile |
stroke |
= |
stroke; a medical problem caused
by a blockage of blood flow to the brain |
suntik |
= |
to inject; vaccinate |
tandu |
= |
a stretcher; litter; palanquin;
sedan chair |
tbc |
= |
tuberculosis; an infectious lung
disease |
tebece |
= |
tuberculosis; an infectious lung
disease |
tekanan darah |
= |
blood pressure |
terapi |
= |
therapy; a type of medical
treatment |
tuberkulosis |
= |
tuberculosis; an infectious
disease of the lungs |
tumor |
= |
a tumor; an abnormal growth of
body tissue that can often lead to death |
tusuk jarum |
= |
acupuncture |
urine |
= |
urine; waste fluids discharged
from the kidney |
vaksin |
= |
vaccine; a substance used for
immunization |
vaksinasi |
= |
vaccination; the activity of
giving vaccine; a shot; an inoculation |
virus |
= |
virus; a type of harmful
microscopic organism |
Personal Care |
bak mandi |
= |
bath tub; a place for bathing
the body |
bedak |
= |
talc; powder; a fine body powder |
bersin |
= |
to sneeze |
buang air kecil |
= |
to urinate |
buang air besar |
= |
to defecate |
cambang |
= |
whiskers; facial hair; beard;
sideburns |
cermin |
= |
a mirror; a reflection |
cuci |
= |
to wash; to clean using water |
cucian |
= |
laundry; washing |
cukur |
= |
to shave; to remove body hair
with a razor |
detergen |
= |
detergent; a cleaning substance;
laundry soap |
gaya rambut |
= |
hair style |
gincu |
= |
lipstick; a woman's cosmetic for
coloring the lips |
gosok gigi |
= |
toothbrush; a brush for cleaning
teeth |
gunting |
= |
scissors; clippers for cutting |
gunting rambut |
= |
hair scissors |
jam tangan |
= |
watch; wristwatch |
jerawat |
= |
pimple; acne; skin rash |
kacamata hitam |
= |
sunglasses; dark glasses |
kain haid |
= |
sanitary napkins |
kalung |
= |
necklace; a decorative strand
worn around the neck |
ketombe |
= |
dandruff; small scales of dead
skin from the scalp |
kondom |
= |
condom; a contraceptive device
for men |
kosmetik |
= |
cosmetics; makeup |
lipstik |
= |
lipstick; a cosmetic for
coloring the lips |
mandi |
= |
to bathe; wash oneself |
mode baju |
= |
clothes style |
parfum |
= |
cologne; a pleasant smelling fluid for scenting the body |
pasta gigi |
= |
toothpaste; dentifrice |
pembalut wanita |
= |
woman's sanitary napkin; a
tampon |
sabun |
= |
soap; a compound used for
washing and cleaning |
sampo |
= |
shampoo; liquid soap that foams
for hair, carpets, etc. |
Culture, Customs & Courtesies |
adat |
= |
custom; tradition; traditional
law; courtesy; manners |
adat istiadat |
= |
custom; tradition; traditional
ceremony |
basa-basi |
= |
courteousness; courteous talk;
ceremonial manners; etiquette |
bayi |
= |
baby |
beradab |
= |
to be courteous; being cultured;
civilized; polite; well-mannered |
bertemu |
= |
to meet; encounter; find |
biadab |
= |
impolite; uncivilized; rude;
impertinent; insolent; crass; crude |
budaya |
= |
culture; civilization;
intelligence |
cewek |
= |
girl; gal; lass; chick; informal
address to a girl |
da-da |
= |
goodbye; bye-bye |
diri sendiri |
= |
yourself; oneself; ego |
duda |
= |
widower; divorced man |
engkau |
= |
you |
etika |
= |
ethics; ethos; morals; values;
scruples |
etiket |
= |
etiquette; social manners |
halo |
= |
hello |
harap |
= |
please; if you please; polite
request |
harap ulangi |
= |
please repeat |
jabat tangan |
= |
handshake |
janda |
= |
widow; widower; divorced person |
kamu |
= |
you |
kanak |
= |
child |
kebudayaan |
= |
culture; civility; civilization |
laki-laki |
= |
male person; a man |
leluhur |
= |
ancestor; forefather;
predecessor; progenitor |
maaf |
= |
pardon me; forgive me; excuse
me; sorry |
minta |
= |
to ask kindly; request; invite;
beg; apply for; solicit |
minta maaf |
= |
apologize; to beg pardon |
mu |
= |
you; a second person pronoun;
short form of "kamu" |
nona |
= |
miss (female) |
nyonya |
= |
respectful address to a married
lady; Mrs. |
panjang umur |
= |
longevity; long life |
perempuan |
= |
girl; woman; female person |
salam |
= |
greetings; regards; hello;
peace; salute |
salut |
= |
a salute; respectful greeting;
salutation; a toast (good health, friendship, etc.) |
sampai jumpa |
= |
see you later; until we meet
again |
saudara |
= |
brother; sister; sibling;
gentleman; a person like a brother |
saudari |
= |
female sister; female relative;
lady; Mrs. |
selamat |
= |
congratulations; greetings;
regards |
selamat datang |
= |
welcome (on arrival) |
selamat jalan |
= |
goodbye; have a nice journey |
selamat makan |
= |
good appetite |
selamat malam |
= |
good evening |
selamat minum |
= |
enjoy your drink |
selamat pagi |
= |
good morning |
selamat siang |
= |
good day |
selamat sore |
= |
good afternoon |
selamat tidur |
= |
good night |
selamat tinggal |
= |
good-bye (to someone staying) |
silahkan |
= |
please; to ask; to invite |
suguhan |
= |
a treat offered to guests; food
for entertaining; something served to guests |
tata cara |
= |
etiquette; manners; ethics;
traditions; customs; procedure; way of doing |
terima kasih |
= |
thank you |
tolong |
= |
please help; please assist |
tuan |
= |
sir; mister; polite address to
older men, especially foreigners |
Family |
abang |
= |
older brother; older friend |
adik |
= |
younger brother or sister;
younger friend |
adik ipar |
= |
brother-in-law or sister-in-law |
adik lelaki |
= |
younger brother |
adik perempuan |
= |
younger sister |
adik tiri |
= |
step brother or step sister |
anak |
= |
child; offspring; issue |
anak angkat |
= |
adopted child; stepchild; foster
child |
anak bungsu |
= |
youngest child in a family |
anak cucu |
= |
progeny; descendant; offspring |
anak emas |
= |
favorite child; fortunate child |
anak haram |
= |
illegitimate child; a child born
to an unmarried woman; bastard |
anak laki-laki |
= |
son; boy |
anak perempuan |
= |
daughter; girl |
anak sulung |
= |
eldest child; oldest child in a
family |
anak tiri |
= |
stepchild; a spouse's child from
a previous marriage |
anak-anak |
= |
infants; small children |
ayah |
= |
father |
bang |
= |
older brother; a person like an
older brother |
bapak |
= |
father; a person like a father |
bapak mertua |
= |
father-in-law |
bini |
= |
wife; spouse (often used
impolitely) |
bini muda |
= |
additional wife; mistress;
younger wife; second wife |
bini tua |
= |
first wife |
biro jodoh |
= |
mate finding bureau; spouse
finding agency; dating service |
bu |
= |
mother |
bujangan |
= |
a bachelor; an unmarried person;
a celibate |
bulan madu |
= |
honeymoon |
bunda |
= |
mother |
bungsu |
= |
youngest (child); most recent;
latest |
cerai |
= |
to separate; divorce; split up;
part; spread; dissociate |
cicit |
= |
a great grandchild |
cincin kawin |
= |
wedding ring |
cucu |
= |
grandchild |
famili |
= |
family; kin |
gadis |
= |
a virgin girl; maiden; damsel;
lass |
ibu |
= |
mother; mom; ma; Mrs. |
ibu mertua |
= |
mother-in-law; the mother of
one's spouse |
istri (isteri) |
= |
wife; married woman |
kakak |
= |
older sibling; older sister or
brother |
kakek |
= |
grandfather; grandpa; grampa;
gramps |
kawin |
= |
to get married; to marry; to wed |
keluarga |
= |
family; kin; relations;
relatives |
keponakan |
= |
niece; nephew |
kerabat |
= |
relatives; kin; family relations |
mahar |
= |
bride price; dowry; wedding
present |
marga |
= |
clan; tribal group; group |
nama depan |
= |
first name |
nama keluarga |
= |
family name; surname |
nama panggilan |
= |
nickname |
nenek |
= |
grandmother; granny; grandma |
nenek moyang |
= |
ancestor; ancestry; a
forefather; progenitor |
nikah |
= |
marriage; matrimony |
om |
= |
uncle; a friendly term for an
older adult man |
orang tua |
= |
parent; older person |
pak |
= |
father; mister; respectful
address to a father or a person like a father |
paman |
= |
uncle; the brother of a parent;
the husband of an aunt |
papa |
= |
father |
pasangan hidup |
= |
lifetime partner; a spouse |
pengantin |
= |
bride; bridegroom; bride and
groom; persons engaged to be married |
pengantin baru |
newlyweds; a recently married
couple |
pengantin lelaki |
bridegroom; groom |
pengantin perempuan |
bride |
putra |
= |
prince; son |
putri |
= |
princess; daughter |
saudara laki-laki |
= |
brother |
saudara perempuan |
= |
sister |
sepupu |
= |
cousin; a child of a person's
aunt or uncle |
yatim piatu |
= |
an orphan; a child without
living parents |
Travel & Holidays |
alamat |
= |
address; title; inscription;
sign; hint; indication; presage; mark |
angkutan |
= |
transportation; transport;
transporter; forwarding |
becak |
= |
a three-wheel taxi cab; carrier
cab; pedicab; trishaw cab; rickshaw |
bensin |
= |
benzene; gasoline; petrol |
berangkat |
= |
to depart; take off; leave;
start |
berapa jauh ? |
= |
how far ? |
berapa lama ? |
= |
how long ? |
berhenti |
= |
to stop; quit; rest; pause;
halt; desist; cease |
berkemah |
= |
to camp; camp out; camping; to
live in a tent for a short time |
berlibur |
= |
to have vacation; liberty or
spare time; being free from work or school |
bertualang |
= |
to wander; roam about; roaming |
biro perjalanan |
= |
travel bureau |
cenderamata |
= |
souvenir; memento |
daftar tunggu |
= |
waiting list; a list of people
waiting |
dilarang |
= |
forbidden; disallowed;
prohibited; proscribed; precluded; banned |
dilarang masuk |
= |
no entrance; no trespassing;
keep out; no admittance |
halte bus |
= |
bus stop; a place where a bus
stops for passengers |
harap antre |
= |
please queue; queue up please;
please line up |
hari libur |
= |
free day; day off; holiday |
hari raya |
= |
holiday; Islamic celebration of
Idul Fitri |
imigrasi |
= |
immigration; the activity of
moving residence to a new country |
informasi |
= |
information; news; knowledge |
interlokal |
= |
long distance; long distance
telephone call |
internasional |
= |
international; between or among
nations |
jadwal |
= |
a schedule; program; list;
timetable; register |
jadwal keberangkatan |
= |
departures schedule |
jadwal kedatangan |
= |
arrivals schedules |
jadwal perjalanan |
= |
travel schedule; itinerary |
jadwal waktu |
= |
timetable; a schedule of times |
jalan kaki |
= |
walk; hike; stroll; march |
jalan keluar |
= |
exit; way out |
jalan pendek |
= |
shortcut |
jalan-jalan |
= |
to take a walk; to be walking;
out for a stroll |
jauh |
= |
distant; far away; off |
jembatan |
= |
bridge; overpass; pier; jetty |
kamar kecil |
= |
toilet; bathroom; restroom; WC;
commode |
kamar mandi |
= |
bathroom; washroom; restroom |
kantor biro travel |
= |
travel bureau |
kantor pariwisata |
= |
tourism office |
karcis |
= |
ticket; coupon |
karcis bagasi |
= |
baggage ticket |
karcis masuk |
= |
admission ticket |
karcis pulang balik |
= |
return ticket; a round-trip
ticket |
kedutaan besar |
= |
embassy |
kelas |
= |
class; grade; rank |
kelas ekonomi |
= |
economy class |
kelas satu |
= |
first class; prime |
keliling |
= |
circumference; perimeter;
driving around; environs; around |
keliling dunia |
= |
traveling around the world |
keluar |
= |
to exit; go out; leave; issue;
emerge |
kenang-kenangan |
= |
souvenir; memories;
reminiscence; remembrance; memento; keepsake |
kereta |
= |
carriage; cart; wagon; car |
keterangan |
= |
information; explanation;
declaration; comment; assertion |
kios |
= |
kiosk; news stand; small shop |
kompas |
= |
compass; an instrument with a
magnetic needle that indicates direction |
konsul |
= |
consul; a government's
representative in a foreign city |
konsul jenderal |
= |
consul general; a government's
chief representative in a foreign city |
konsulat |
= |
consulate; the office of a
consul and consul general in a foreign city |
kunci |
= |
a key; a lock; a wrench |
lentera |
= |
a lantern; a lamp |
liburan |
= |
holiday; vacation; furlough |
lift |
= |
a lift; an elevator |
loket |
= |
ticket window; teller window;
box office |
lorong |
= |
alley; path; lane; road; way;
aisle; hallway; passageway |
menjelajah |
= |
to travel; explore; look into;
traverse; cross; rove |
nada panggil |
= |
call signal; telephone dial tone |
objek wisata (obyek wisata) |
= |
tourism object; tourist
attraction |
orang asing |
= |
foreigner; stranger; person from
a foreign country |
pabean |
= |
customhouse; customs |
paket wisata |
= |
tourism package |
pandu |
= |
a guide; scout; pilot;
navigator; boy scout |
para penumpang |
= |
passengers |
pariwisata |
= |
tourism; a tour group; a tour |
pasfoto |
= |
passport style photo; a small
photo of a person's upper body |
paspor |
= |
passport; a personal identity
document issued by a government |
pelancong |
= |
sightseer; traveler; tourist;
walker; wayfarer |
pelancongan |
= |
sightseeing; tourism; trip; a
walk; a getaway |
penumpang |
= |
passenger; crew member |
perjalanan |
= |
excursion; trip; journey;
sojourn; travel; passage; outing |
pulang pergi |
= |
round trip; a commute between
home and work |
pulsa |
= |
telephone billing unit for time
used |
ransel |
= |
backpack; rucksack; knapsack |
reservasi |
= |
reservation |
solar |
= |
diesel fuel; automotive diesel
fuel |
stasiun |
= |
station; terminal; terminus |
surat jalan |
= |
travel permit; a pass |
suvenir |
= |
a souvenir; a memento; a small
item kept as a remembrance |
tas tidur |
= |
sleeping bag |
telepon |
= |
telephone |
tenda |
= |
tent; awning; hood |
terminal |
= |
terminal; terminus; station |
tiket |
= |
ticket |
tur |
= |
a tour; a trip around |
turis |
= |
tourist; a sightseer; a person
who travels for pleasure |
turisme |
= |
tourism; the industry related to
tourists |
visa |
= |
visa; an official permit
allowing a person to enter a foreign country |
w c |
= |
toilet; water closet; bathroom;
restroom |
wisata |
= |
to tour; to travel |
wisatawan |
= |
tourist; traveler; a person who
travels for pleasure |
Air Travel |
bandar udara |
= |
airport |
helikopter |
= |
helicopter |
kapal terbang |
= |
airplane |
kopilot |
= |
copilot; the person who assists
a pilot in flying an airplane |
lapangan terbang |
= |
airport; airstrip |
lapangan udara |
= |
airport; airstrip |
pesawat jet |
= |
jet; a fast type of airplane |
pesawat terbang |
= |
airplane |
pilot |
= |
pilot; the person flying an
airplane; a person guiding a ship to safe docking |
terbang |
= |
to fly; to take off into the
air; to be airborne |
awak pesawat |
= |
flight crew; group of workers on
an airplane |
Roadway Travel |
batas kecepatan |
= |
speed limit; a limit on
allowable speed of travel |
gerbang tol |
= |
toll gate; toll booth gate |
jalan |
= |
street; road; path; way; course;
journey; career |
jalan buntu |
= |
cul-de-sac; end of the road |
jalan layang |
= |
road overpass; flyover bridge |
jalan raya |
= |
main road; highway; freeway;
expressway |
jalan tol |
= |
toll road; turnpike; expressway |
jalanan |
= |
path; road; way |
jalur |
= |
a stripe; strip; lane; line;
course |
jalur sebra |
= |
crosswalk; pedestrian crossing;
zebra stripe road crossing |
kanan |
= |
right (direction) |
kiri |
= |
left (direction) |
peta jalan |
= |
road map |
pusat kota |
= |
city center |
rambu-rambu |
= |
traffic signs; road signals |
Boat Travel |
dermaga |
= |
wharf; pier; boat dock; jetty;
quay |
feri |
= |
ferry; a boat for transport of
passengers and vehicles |
jambatan |
= |
a bridge; trestle; jetty |
kapal |
= |
a boat; ship; sea vessel; sea
craft |
kapal laut |
= |
boat; ship; sea vessel; seagoing
vessel |
kapal layar |
= |
sailboat; sailing vessel |
kapal motor |
= |
motor powered boat |
kapal penumpang |
= |
passenger vessel |
layar |
= |
a sail |
layar besar |
= |
main sail; the largest sail on a
ship |
nakhoda |
= |
ship captain; captain; skipper;
pilot; commander of a vessel |
navigasi |
= |
navigation; directing the course
of travel for a vessel, vehicle, aircraft, etc. |
ombak |
= |
a sea wave; a wave; surf;
breaker |
pelabuhan |
= |
harbor; port; anchorage |
pelabuhan laut |
= |
harbor; seaport; anchorage |
pelampung |
= |
life jacket; life preserver;
pontoon; buoy; floating object |
pelaut |
= |
sailor; seaman; mariner; mate |
perahu |
= |
traditional wooden sailing ship;
trading vessel |
perahu layar |
= |
sailboat |
peta laut |
= |
nautical chart |
Train Travel |
gerbong |
= |
train coach car; railway car;
railway carriage; wagon |
kereta api |
= |
train; railroad train |
lokomotif |
= |
locomotive; a train engine; an
engine or driving force |
Vehicles |
ban |
= |
tire; tyre (British) |
ban dalam |
= |
tire tube; inner tube |
ban kempis |
= |
flat tire; a deflated tire |
bengkel mobil |
= |
auto service station; vehicle
repair shop |
bus (bis) |
= |
bus; a coach vehicle that is
able to transport many passengers |
kenalpot |
= |
exhaust pipe; vehicle muffler |
kendaraan |
= |
passenger vehicle or conveyance;
car; transportation |
lalu lintas |
= |
traffic; the movement of
vehicles on a road; the flow of things in general |
mekanik |
= |
mechanic; a person who repairs
machinery |
minibus |
= |
minibus; minivan |
minyak mesin |
= |
engine oil |
minyak rem |
= |
brake fluid |
mobil |
= |
automobile; car; motorcar;
passenger vehicle |
montir |
= |
mechanic; repairman |
motor |
= |
motor; engine; vehicle with
motor |
parkir |
= |
to park |
pedal rem |
= |
brake pedal |
persneling |
= |
a vehicle gear; a transmission |
persneling otomatis |
= |
automatic transmission; a
transmission that shifts gears automatically |
plat nomor |
= |
license plate |
pompa ban |
= |
tire pump |
pompa bensin |
= |
gas pump; gas station |
rem |
= |
brakes; stopping mechanism |
rem darurat |
= |
emergency brake |
rem tangan |
= |
hand brake |
roda |
= |
wheel |
roda belakang |
= |
rear wheel |
roda depan |
= |
front wheel |
roda dua |
= |
a vehicle with two wheels;
motorcycle; bicycle |
sabuk kursi |
= |
safety seat belt |
sepeda motor |
= |
motorcycle; motorbike |
sopir |
= |
chauffeur; driver |
taksi |
= |
taxi; taxi cab |
tapis udara |
= |
air filter |
terminal bus |
= |
bus terminal; bus station |
Weather & Climate |
air bah |
= |
a flood; an inundation; an
overflow |
angin |
= |
wind; breeze |
angin kencang |
= |
strong wind |
awan |
= |
a cloud; cloudiness |
badai |
= |
storm; hurricane; tornado;
typhoon; tempest; gale |
barometer |
= |
barometer; an instrument for
measuring atmospheric pressure |
berawan |
= |
being cloudy; clouded; having an
overcast sky |
cahaya matahari |
= |
sunshine; sunlight |
Celsius |
= |
Celsius; centigrade temperature |
cuaca |
= |
weather; atmospheric conditions |
curah hujan |
= |
rainfall; a rain shower |
derajat |
= |
degree of temperature; extent;
grade; value; rank |
derajat Celsius |
= |
degrees Celsius |
derajat Fahrenheit |
= |
degrees Fahrenheit |
halilintar |
= |
thunderbolt; lightning flash;
bolt of lightning |
hujan |
= |
rain; rainfall; precipitation |
hujan gerimis |
= |
drizzle; drizzling rain; a light
rain |
hujan lebat |
= |
downpour; heavy rain |
hujan salju |
= |
snowfall |
iklim |
= |
climate; sphere; zone;
atmosphere |
iklim panas |
= |
a hot climate |
iklim sedang |
= |
temperate climate zone; a mild
climate area |
iklim tropis |
= |
tropics climate zone; the hot
climate area between the tropical latitudes |
kabut |
= |
fog; mist; haze |
kabut asap |
= |
smog; a haze formed from smoke
and fog (or from vehicle emissions) |
kemarau |
= |
dry period; dry season; drought |
kering |
= |
dry; arid; barren |
langit berawan |
= |
cloudy sky |
langit cerah |
= |
clear sky |
mendung |
= |
a cloud; a visible mass of water
vapor in the atmosphere |
musim |
= |
season; monsoon |
musim dingin |
= |
winter; cold season |
musim gugur |
= |
autumn; fall season |
musim hujan |
= |
rainy season |
musim kemarau |
= |
dry season |
musim panas |
= |
summer; hot season; summertime |
musim semi |
= |
spring season; springtime |
pelangi |
= |
rainbow; a colorful arch that
appears in the sky |
peta cuaca |
= |
weather map |
petir |
= |
thunderbolt; lightning |
prakiraan cuaca |
= |
weather forecast; a prediction
of upcoming weather |
ramalan cuaca |
= |
weather forecast |
salju |
= |
snow; frozen rain in the form of
white flakes |
sejuk |
= |
cold; cool; chilly |
siklon |
= |
cyclone; a large circular storm
with very strong winds |
suhu |
= |
temperature |
temperatur |
= |
temperature; a measurement of
the degree of heat or cold |
udara |
= |
air; atmosphere; weather |
Shapes & Forms |
bentuk |
= |
a form; shape; style; type;
model; figure; curve; bend |
bulat |
= |
round; globular; circular;
spherical; chubby |
bulat panjang |
= |
ellipse; an elongated oval; an
oblong shape |
bulatan |
= |
a circle; sphere; orb; a round
or spherical object |
bundar |
= |
round; spherical; circular |
bundaran |
= |
a circle; ring; round object;
roundabout traffic circle |
edaran |
= |
circular; having a circular
shape |
genting |
= |
hourglass shape; narrow passage;
mountain pass; isthmus; a strait |
kerucut |
= |
a cone; a shape with a circular
base that tapers to a point at the top |
kubik |
= |
cubic; cubical; cube shaped;
three-dimensional |
lingkar |
= |
a circle; rim; coil; perimeter;
circumference |
lingkaran |
= |
a circle; cycle; coil;
circumference; circuit |
oktagon |
= |
octagon; an eight-sided figure |
oval |
= |
oval; an elongated circle; egg
shaped |
parabola |
= |
parabola; a shape like a bowl
with an open curved surface |
paralel |
= |
parallel; side by side and
continuously spaced the same distance apart |
persegi |
= |
a square; a four-sided figure
with equal sides and angles |
persegi empat |
= |
quadrangle; a square; four-sided
figure |
persegi tiga |
= |
triangle; three-sided figure |
segi empat |
= |
quadrangle; four-sided figure |
segi tiga |
= |
triangle; three-sided figure |
silinder |
= |
cylinder; an object shaped like
a tube or pipe |