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      770 Identical Words in English and Indonesian
       by TruAlfa & IndoDic.com
Indonesian Word English Translation (& Indonesian Meaning as well)
abdomen n. = abdomen; the stomach and bowels of a person
abdominal adj. = abdominal; regarding the stomach and bowels of a person
abnormal adj. = abnormal; not normal; unusual; deviant
absorb v. = to absorb; soak up
abstain v. = to abstain; forego; refrain from; decline to vote
absurd adj. = absurd; ridiculous
admiral n. = admiral; the commander of a large naval force
adverbial adj. = adverbial; like an adverb but not inflected like a normal adverb
aerator n. = aerator; a device for purifying water by exposing it to air
aerosol n. = aerosol; a pressurized gaseous mixture in a container
agenda n. = agenda; program
alarm n. = alarm; sudden fear; a warning device
albino n. = albino; a creature without coloring in the eyes and skin
album n. = album; a book for collections of photos, etc.
alias n. = alias; an assumed name, often false
alibi n. = alibi; a defensive plea
alkali n. = alkali; a type of substance that neutralizes acids
alkaloid n. = alkaloid; a type of alkaline compound
altar n. = altar; a table or place for religious objects
altimeter n. = altimeter; a device for measuring elevation
alumni n. = alumni; graduates from a school of higher learning
alumnus n. = alumnus; a graduate from a school of higher learning
amnesia n. = amnesia; loss of memory
ampere n. = ampere; a measurement unit of electrical current
amuk v. = to run amuck; to act in a frenzied rage
amulet n. = amulet; a good luck charm
anal adj. = anal; regarding the anus
analog adj. = analog; regarding a measurement of a continuous variable
anemia n. = anemia; a deficiency of red blood cells
antedate n. = antedate; a date prior to another date
anti pre. = a prefix meaning anti or against
anus n. = anus; the end portion of the large intestine
apriori p. = apriori; deductively; from cause to effect
apron n. = apron; a cooking apron; a protective garment for cooks
arboreal adj. = arboreal; regarding trees and the life existing in trees
area n. = area; a land area; a place
arena n. = arena; an area for spectators
argon n. = argon; an inert gas
Aries n. = Aries; the first sign of the zodiac
armada n. = armada; a very large naval fleet
aroma n. = aroma; fragrance; a rich odor
artisan n. = artisan; craftsman
Asia n. = Asia
asparagus n. = asparagus; a type of green vegetable
aspirin n. = aspirin; a type of pain-killing medicine
asset n. = asset; a property with value
astronaut n. = astronaut; a spaceman; a human space traveler
atlas n. = atlas; a book of maps
atom n. = atom; the smallest particle of matter that enters into chemical combination
atrium n. = atrium; an open central courtyard
audio adj. = audio; concerned with sounds and hearing
audit n. = audit; a formal examination of financial records
auditorium n. = auditorium
auto n. = auto; car; motor vehicle
aviator n. = aviator; pilot
backup n. = backup; a reserve or support agent
badge n. = badge; a small emblem or insignia
badminton n. = badminton; a game similar to tennis
balsa n. = balsa; a type of wood that is soft and lightweight
balsam  n. = balsam; ointment; medicated salve
banal adj. = banal; plain and simple; uninteresting
band n. = band; orchestra
banderol n. = banderol; banderole; cigar band; tax stamp
bandit n. = bandit; robber
bank n. = bank; financial institution
bar n. = bar; pub; saloon; nightclub
barium n. = barium; a type of white metallic element
barometer n. = barometer; an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure
baron n. = baron; a lower member of a royal family
barter n. = barter; trade; the goods used for exchange
basis n. = basis; basic principle
basket n. = basket
bayonet n. = bayonet; a stabbing knife attached to the end of a rifle
bear n. = bear; a large four-legged animal with thick fur
begonia n. = begonia
benzoin n. = benzoin; an aromatic resin obtained from trees
beri-beri n. = scurvy; beri-beri (illness)
bid n. = a bid; an offer
bidder n. = bidder; a person who bids (makes an offer to buy)
bidding n. = bidding; offering to buy at a certain price
bikini n. = bikini; a type of skimpy woman's bathing suit
bilabial adj. = bilabial; regarding a verbal sound produced with both lips
bilateral adj. = bilateral; involving two sides or parties
bilingual adj. = bilingual; able to communicate in two languages
bilingualism n. = bilingualism; the ability to communicate in two languages
billboard n. = billboard; a large outdoor advertising sign
billing n. = billing; a statement of an amount owed
binder n. = binder; a device for binding things together
binomial n. = binomial; a numeric quantity consisting of two parts
biodata n. = biodata; a summary of a person's education, skills and work history
biota n. = biota; flora and fauna
bipolar n. = bipolar; having two poles
bison n. = bison; a type of large North American buffalo
blender n. = blender; a machine or agent that mixes substances
bona fide adj. = bona fide; genuine; in good faith
bon-bon n. = candy; bon-bon
bonus n. = bonus; something extra; an additional payment
booking n. = a booking; a reservation
braille n. = Braille; a system of writing for the blind
bridge n. = the playing card game of bridge
brigade n. = brigade; a type of military unit
broker n. = broker; agent; business middleman
brontosaurus n. = brontosaurus; a type of dinosaur with a long neck and tail
brutal adj. = brutal; savage; cruel
budget n. = budget; an estimate of future revenues and expenses
bulimia n. = bulimia; binge-purge syndrome
bumper n. = bumper; a device for absorbing shocks
bunker n. = bunker
bus n. = bus; a coach vehicle
cassette n. = cassette
cedar n. = cedar tree
cello n. = cello; a large stringed musical instrument
cereal n. = cereal
chef n. = chef; a cook
claim n. = a claim; an assertion of a right
clash n. = a clash; a conflict
clearing n. = clearing
coaching v. = to be coaching
container n. = container; a storage box or vessel
copy v. = to copy
corps n. = corps; an organized group of people
crew n. = crew; a group of people working together
cursor n. = computer screen cursor
dam n. = dam; a water barrier
data n. = data; facts; information (often in numeric form)
database n. = database; an organized set of data
debris n. = debris; scattered remains
debut n. = debut; a first appearance
delirium n. = delirium; a temporary mental disorder
delta n. = delta; land deposited at the mouth of a river
demon n. = demon; an evil being
demonstrator n. = demonstrator; a participant in a public demonstration
dengue n. = dengue; a type of deadly fever
depot n. = depot; storage building; a branch establishment
despot n. = despot; absolute ruler; tyrant
dessert n. = dessert; a sweet food treat
detail n. = detail; a small particular; a fine point
determinator n. = determinator; determiner
detonator n. = detonator; a device that detonates explosives
diagnosis n. = diagnosis; analysis of the cause of physical ailments
diagonal n. = diagonal; a slanting line
diagram n. = diagram; illustration; chart
diameter n. = diameter; the distance across a circle
diaspora n. = diaspor; a dispersion
diesel n. = diesel
diet n. = diet
digital adj. = digital; regarding numeric digits
diploma n. = diploma; a graduation certificate
diplomat n. = diplomat; a person engaged in diplomacy
distributor n. = distributor; a person or thing that distributes
dogma n. = dogma; religious doctrine; a belief
doldrum n. = doldrums; the areas of calms near the equator
dollar n. = dollar
domain n. = domain; realm; a controlled area
dominion n. = dominion; sovereign territory
domino n. = domino; a rectangular game piece with dots
donor n. = donor; contributor
download n. = download information copied from the internet
drama n. = drama; a dramatic event or play
drive n. = drive golf shot; a type of long golf shot
drop v. = to drop; to stop doing; quit; remove
drum n. = a drum
duel n. = duel; a fight between two persons using similar weapons
duet n. = duet; a musical performance by two performers
dumping n. = dumping; selling goods at low prices in a certain market
duo n. = duo; two together; twosome
dynamo n. = dynamo; a machine for generating electrical power
edit v. = to edit; to review, correct and prepare something for publication
editor n. = editor; a person who prepares a publication
editorial n. = editorial; opinions of the editorial staff
egalitarian adj. = egalitarian; advocating equal rights for all people
ego n. = ego; a person's self-identity
elevator n. = elevator; a hoisting device; a lift
elipsis n. = ellipsis; an omission of words
elite n. = elite; the upper social class of people
e-mail n. = e-mail; electronic mail
embargo n. = embargo; a blocking (of trade, commerce, etc.)
enter v. = enter; to go in; to input information
epidermis n. = epidermis; the outer layer of skin
episode n. = episode; incident; a part of a story
epistemologi n. = epistemology; the science of human knowledge
era n. = era; an historic time period
estrogen n. = estrogen; a female sex hormone
facsimile n. = an exact copy; a fax
fatal adj. = fatal; deadly; resulting in death
fauna n. = fauna; all of the animals in a certain area
federal adj. = federal; government with limited central control
festival n. = festival; a celebration; festive event
fetishism n. = fetishism; an unusual object of worship
fiber  n. = fiber; a strand similar to a thread
film n. = film
filter n. = filter; a screening device to catch impurities
final adj. = final; last; at the end
fit adj. = fit; suitable and proper; in good condition
fitting n. = electrical fitting; light socket
flat n. = a flat; an apartment
flu n. = flu; influenza
folio n. = folio; a set of related documents
font n. = font
formal adj. = formal; according to form; ceremonial
format n. = format; style and manner of arrangement
formula n. = formula; a procedure expressed symbolically
forte n. = forte; a special attribute or skill
front n. = front
fundamental adj. = fundamental; basic
gambit n. = gambit; a tricky maneuver
gamma n. = gamma; a type of ray
gang n. = gang; a group of people
ganja n. = ganja; marijuana; cannabis; pot
garage n. = garage; a building used for parking vehicles
gasket n. = gasket; a seal between the junction of two parts
gelatin n. = gelatin; a jelly-like food substance
generate v. = to generate
generator n. = generator
genesis n. = genesis; an origin; a beginning
genial adj. = genial; cordial; congenial
genre n. = genre; type; genus
geranium n. = geranium; a type of flowering plant
gigabit n. = gigabit; one billion bits
gigabyte n. = gigabyte; one billion bytes
gigolo n. = gigolo; a man who is paid to be a woman's social partner
gin n. = gin; a type of clear distilled alcohol
gingivitis n. = gingivitis; an inflammation of the gums around the teeth
ginseng n. = ginseng; a type of medicinal root
gladiator n. = gladiator; a former combatant in Roman public contests
global adj. = global; worldwide
globe n. = globe; a spherical replica of planet earth; an orb
globulin n. = globulin; a type of simple protein
goal n. = goal
golf n. = golf
gondola n. = gondola; a type of passenger boat; a hot air balloon basket
gong n. = gong; a large metal disk that makes a resounding sound
gram n. = gram; a metric unit of weight
guano n. = guano; bird droppings
guargum n. = guargum
habitat n. = habitat; the place where creatures live
halogen n. = halogen
ham n. = ham; a type of pork
hamburger n. = hamburger; fried ground beef
harem n. = harem; the portion of an Islamic household reserved for women
haze n. = haze; a mist; smoke-filled air
helium n. = helium; a light gaseous element
hello p. = hello
hemoglobin n. = hemoglobin; an agent in red blood cells
hepatitis n. = hepatitis; an inflammation of the liver
hernia n. = hernia; an unnatural protrusion of an organ
hero n. = hero; a person highly respected for his achievements
heroin n. = heroin; an addictive drug derived from morphine
hiatus n. = hiatus; a gap in a series; a break between
hologram n. = hologram; a type of image that appears three-dimensional
home page n. = home page; the front page of a computer internet site
hospital n. = hospital; an institution for the care of the sick and injured
host n. = host; a person who entertains guests
hot dog n. = hot dog; a type of sausage served in a long bread roll
hotel n. = hotel
humor n. = humor; condition of being funny or amusing
hydrant n. = fire hydrant; an outlet in a public water system
icon n. = icon; a symbol appearing on a computer screen
ideal adj. = ideal; perfect; just as imagined
idiom n. = idiom; a common saying; an expression
idiot n. = idiot; a person of very low intelligence
image n. = an image; an icon; a representation of a form or shape
impeachment n. = impeachment; a formal accusation of wrongdoing
impersonal adj. = impersonal; not personal
index n. = index; an alphabetical list of references
indigo n. = indigo; a dark blue color
individual adj. = individual; single; solo
inferno n. = inferno; a blazing fire; a place like hell
info n. = info; short form for "information"
informal adj. = informal; not formal; casual
inset n. = inset; a recessed area; an indentation
insomnia n. = insomnia; condition of not being able to sleep well
install v. = to install; establish; set up; put in place
instrumental adj. = instrumental
insulin n. = insulin; an extract used in the treatment of diabetes
integral adj. = integral; essential
interim adv. = interim; an intervening time period
internet n. = internet; a worldwide network for computer communication
intranet n. = intranet; an in-house computer network
introvert n. = introvert; an inward-looking person
invalid n. = invalid; a cripple; a physically disabled person
inventor n. = inventor; innovator
investor n. = investor; a person who invests
ion n. = ion; an electrically charged component of an atom
iota n. = iota; a very small amount
iridium n. = iridium; a white metallic element
Islam n. = Islam
isobar n. = isobar; a line on a weather map showing atmospheric pressure
jargon n. = jargon; technical language; specialized language
jet n. = jet; a fast moving stream of fluid; a fast type of airplane
judo n. = judo; a sport of wrestling and self defense
junta n. = junta; military officers in control of a country
Jupiter n. = Jupiter
kaolin n. = a type of clay used for pottery or ceramics
karaoke n. = karaoke; a form of singing entertainment
karate n. = karate; a sport and form of skilled combat
karma n. = karma; fate; destiny
karst n. = karst; eroded limestone
kelp n. = kelp; a type of seaweed
keyboard n. = keyboard
kilobyte n. = kilobyte; 1,024 bytes of computer memory
kilogram n. = kilogram; a weight of 1,000 grams
kilometer n. = kilometer; a distance of 1,000 meters
kimono n. = kimono; a type of long Japanese robe
kleptomania n. = kleptomania; an obsessive urge to steal
label n. = label; tab; tag
lading n. = lading; cargo; payload
lapel n. = lapel; a front part of a coat jacket that is folded back
laser n. = laser; an intense beam of light or radiation
lateral adj. = lateral; at the side of
lava n. = lava; the hot liquid matter expelled from a volcano
legal adj. = legal; in accordance with the law
lesbian n. = lesbian; a female homosexual
leukemia n. = leukemia; a type of cancer
level adj. = level
liberal adj. = liberal; generous; open-minded; willing to change
lift n. = a lift; an elevator
liliput adj. = tiny; very small; much smaller than normal
limit n. = limit; a maximum
linear adj. = linear; appearing like a line
linen n. = linen; a fabric made from flax
lingua franca n. = lingua franca; a common language among foreigners
linoleum n. = linoleum; a type of floor covering similar to vinyl
liter n. = liter; a metric measure of liquids equal to 1.76 pints
lob n. = a lob; the hitting of a ball behind the opposing player
log on v. = to log on; to go through computer start-up procedures
logo n. = logo; a commercial emblem or symbol
lotus n. = lotus; a type of water lily plant with floating leaves
loyal adj. = loyal; faithful
maestro n. = maestro; a skilled musical conductor, composer or teacher
mafia n. = mafia; a secretive criminal organization
mafioso n. = Mafioso; a member of the mafia
magma n. = magma; underground melted rock at high temperature
magnesium n. = magnesium; a type of silvery metallic element
magnet n. = magnet; a metal that has an attraction to other metals
make up n. = makeup; cosmetics
malaise n. = malaise; general laziness or sluggishness; uneasiness
malaria n. = malaria; a tropical fever
mall n. = a mall; a shopping mall
malt n. = malt; a processed grain product often used for making beer
mama n. = mama; mommy; mom; mother
mambo n. = mambo; a type of fast dance from Latin America
mandolin n. = mandolin; a type of stringed musical instrument
mania n. = mania; obsession; excessive enthusiasm
manifesto n. = manifesto; a declaration of policies or political positions
manifold adj. = manifold; numerous; varied
manila n. = manila paper; a type of strong brown paper
manual adj. = manual; done with hand labor; not automated
margarine n. = margarine; oleomargarine
marginal adj. = marginal; near the margin
marinade v. = to marinade; to soak meat in a sauce before cooking
marmalade n. = marmalade; a citrus fruit preserve
marmot n. = marmot; guinea pig
Mars n. = Mars (planet)
material n. = material; substance
mausoleum n. = mausoleum; a large and beautiful tomb
media n. = media; mass communication systems in general
medial adj. = medial; medium; in the middle area
median adj. = median; middle; regarding the middle area
medium n. = medium; method; means or mode
megabyte n. = megabyte; one million bytes
megalomania n. = megalomania; a mental disorder with delusions of grandeur
megapolis n. = megapolis
megawatt n. = megawatt; one million watts of electrical power
melanin n. = melanin; a substance in the skin and hair
melodrama n. = melodrama; an emotional play or drama
memo n. = memo; memorandum; a brief notation
memorandum n. = memorandum; memo; a brief notation
meningitis n. = meningitis; an infection in the brain and spinal cord
mental adj. = mental; regarding the mind and thinking
menu n. = menu; a list of available choices
merger n. = merger; a joining together
metal n. = metal
meteor n. = meteor; a "falling star"
meter  1. n. = meter; an instrument for measuring the flow of fluids
meter  2. n. = meter; a unit of measure equal to 100 centimeters
metropolis n. = metropolis; a large urban area
metropolitan adj. = metropolitan; having the nature of a large urban area
mineral n. = mineral; inorganic substances found in the ground
minibus n. = minibus; minivan
minimal adj. = minimal; marginal; least possible
minimum adj. = minimum; the least amount permitted
minor adj. = minor; not major; small; less important
mint n. = mint; an herb used in candies and cooking
minus adj. = minus; negative
mode n. = mode; fashion; fad
model n. = model; edition; replica; a person who displays clothes
modem n. = modem; a device for connecting computers to telephones
moderator n. = moderator; mediator
modern adj. = modern; up-to-date
module n. = module; standard component
modus n. = modus; method; way of doing
molar n. = molar; a grinding tooth
momentum n. = momentum; impetus
monitor n. = monitor; a computer display screen
monogram n. = monogram; a single symbol
monosodium n. = monosodium
monster n. = monster; an evil mythical creature
monumental adj. = monumental; very large and great
moped n. = moped; a motor scooter
moral adj. = moral; concerned with righteous actions
moratorium n. = moratorium; postponement
motel n. = motel; a roadside hotel
motif n. = motif; design; decoration
mouse n. = mouse; a pointing device for a computer
multi pre. = a prefix meaning multiple
multilateral adj. = multilateral; having many sides or aspects
multimedia adj. = multimedia; multiple media
mural n. = mural; artwork painted on a wall or ceiling
museum n. = museum; a place for the display of interesting objects
Muslim n. = Moslem; Muslim
napalm n. = napalm; a highly flammable compound
nasal adj. = nasal; concerning the nose
natrium n. = sodium; natrium
natural adj. = natural; not artificial
navigator n. = navigator; a person who directs the course of travel
nebula n. = nebula; a cloud of dust and gas in outer space
neon n. = neon; a type of inert gas
net n. = net; a mesh of cordage used for catching fish
network n. = network; a complex interconnected system
neural adj. = neural; relating to nerves and the nervous system
neurosis n. = neurosis; a mental disorder of anxiety and depression
neutron n. = neutron; the particle in an atom without an electrical charge
nitrogen n. = nitrogen; a common gaseous element
nodule n. = nodule; node; protrusion
nodulus n. = nodule; node; protrusion
nominal adj. = nominal; in name only; very small amount
nonstop adj. = nonstop; continuously without stopping
normal adj. = normal; usual; ordinary; routine
nostalgia n. = nostalgia; longing for a prior period in time
novel n. = novel; a fictional story published in book form
numerator n. = numerator; the upper number in a numeric fraction
oasis n. = oasis; a fertile area in a desert with a source of water
obelisk n. = obelisk; a tapered pillar
odometer n. = odometer; an instrument used to measure distance
oh p. = oh; an exclamation of surprise or understanding
ohm n. = ohm; a measurement of electrical resistance
oil n. = oil
olein n. = olein; a type of yellow oily liquid
ombudsman n. = ombudsman; an investigator of consumer complaints
opal n. = opal; a type of semi-precious stone
opera n. = opera; a musical drama
operator n. = operator; a person who operates (machinery, etc.)
optimal adj. = optimal; the best possible
optimum adj. = optimum; the best possible
oral adj. = oral; regarding the mouth
orbit n. = orbit; the continuous revolving of an object in outer space
order n. = order; arrangement; a command
organ n. = organ; a body organ
osmosis n. = osmosis; acquisition by absorption
osteoporosis n. = osteoporosis; a medical condition of brittle bones
oval adj. = oval; an elongated circle; egg-shaped
oven n. = oven; an enclosed heated area for cooking
palatal adj. = palatal; verbal sounds made by the tongue
panel n. = panel
panorama n. = panorama; a wide view
papaya n. = papaya; a type of tropical fruit
paprika n. = paprika; a red food seasoning derived from peppers
parade n. = parade; a public procession
paragon n. = paragon; a shining example
parameter n. = parameter; a limit or boundary
paranoia n. = paranoia; excessive fear and suspicion
paranoid adj. = paranoid; excessively afraid and suspicious
paranormal adj. = paranormal; unexplained by normal science or logic
parasol n. = parasol; sunshade; umbrella; parachute
pardon n. = pardon; reprieve
partisan n. = partisan; a person who favors a certain cause
partner n. = partner; a member of a partnership
password n. = password; a secret code word
pasta n. = pasta; various forms of dried flour paste
pastel n. = pastel; a lighter or softer shade of a color
pastor n. = pastor; a minister of a church
patent n. = patent; a registration of ownership rights for an invention
patrilineal adj. = patrilineal; a social system with property inherited by male heirs
patriot n. = patriot; loyalist; a person devoted to his country
patron n. = patron; supporter
pause n. = pause; a temporary stop or break
pedal n. = pedal; a lever operated by the foot
pelvis n. = pelvis; the base area of a human torso
pendulum n. = pendulum; a swinging suspended weight
pentagon n. = pentagon; a figure with five sides
per p. = per; for each
perimeter n. = perimeter; the outer boundary of an area
petrol n. = petrol; gasoline; fuel for internal combustion engines
petunia n. = petunia; a common garden plant in North America
phobia n. = phobia; excessive fear or apprehension
piano n. = piano; a musical instrument with a keyboard
pilot n. = pilot; the person flying an airplane
ping-pong n. = ping-pong; table tennis
pistol n. = pistol; a handgun; a small gun
plane n. = plane; airplane
planet n. = planet; an object in outer space that orbits around a star
planetoid n. = planetoid; an object in outer space like a small planet
plankton n. = plankton; small organisms in the sea
plasma n. = plasma; a component of blood used for transfusions
platen n. = platen; base area (for scanner, printer, etc.)
platform n. = platform; the stated policies of a political party
platinum n. = platinum; a type of white precious metal
plural adj. = plural; more than one
plus p. = plus; added to; in addition to
Pluto n. = Pluto (planet)
plutonium n. = plutonium; a type of radioactive element
pneumonia n. = pneumonia; inflammation of the lungs
podium n. = podium; rostrum
pointer n. = pointer
poker n. = poker; a form of gambling with playing cards
polio n. = polio; a disease of the nervous system
polka n. = polka; a type of fast and lively dance with partners
polo n. = polo; a game similar to hockey but played on horseback
pop adj. = pop; popular
popelin n. = poplin; a type of cloth fabric
poplin n. = poplin; a type of cloth fabric
porno n. = porno; pornography; obscenity
port n. = port; a computer connecting device
portal n. = an entrance gate; a gate blocking a railway road crossing
pose n. = a pose; a special body stance for photography, etc.
poster n. = poster; a printed placard
pot n. = pot; a round container for cooking; planting, storage, etc.
power n. = power
predator n. = predator; an animal that preys on other animals
premier adj. = premier; first in importance
presenter n. = presenter; a person who presents something
primadona n. = primadona; the lead female singer in an opera
printer n. = printer
problem n. = problem; dilemma; a matter that requires a solution
profesional adj. = professional; the high standard expected from professionals
proforma adj. = proforma; as a matter of form only
prognosis n. = prognosis; forecast
program n. = program; plan; agenda
proletariat n. = proletariat; lower classes of people in general
promenade n. = promenade; a popular place for strolling or walking
propaganda n. = propaganda; materials used to propagate a doctrine
proton n. = proton; a particle in the nucleus of an atom
psoriasis n. = psoriasis; a type of skin disease with scaly red patches
pulp n. = pulp; processed wood fragments in a semi-liquid form
pulsar n. = pulsar; a star that appears to emit pulsating bursts of radiation
puritan n. = puritan
radar n. = radar; a device for detecting objects at a distance
radial adj. = radial; relating to a radius
radiator n. = radiator; a device for cooling an engine
radio n. = radio
radiogram n. = radiogram; a picture obtained from radiated waves
radium n. = radium; a type of radioactive element
radius n. = radius; a line from the center of a circle to its edge
radon n. = radon; a type of inert gas derived from radium
raflesia n. = a rare plant with a giant flower
rafting n. = rafting; using a raft for water travel
ranking n. = ranking; arranging or positioning by rank
raptor n. = raptor; a predatory bird
rata adv. = rata; even; level; flat
rayon n. = rayon; a type of fiber made from cellulose
redo v. = to redo; do over again
referendum n. = referendum; a public vote on a political issue
reflektor n. = reflector; a reflecting device
regional adj. = regional; regarding regions
register n. = register; a list or official record of something
regular adj. = regular; ordinary; usual
relief n. = bas relief; a carved relief
remedial adj. = remedial; acting as a remedy
reporter n. = reporter; a person who reports
reserve n. = a reserve
reservoir n. = reservoir; water storage area
resin n. = resin
resistor n. = resistor; a resisting person or thing
resume n. = resume; a summary
revolver n. = a revolver; a type of handgun
ring n. = ring
ritual adj. = ritual; traditional ceremony
rival n. = a rival; competitor; challenger
robot n. = robot; a sophisticated man-like machine
robusta n. = robusta; a type of coffee bean and plant
rosin n. = rosin; a type of powder derived from resin
roster n. = roster; a duty schedule or job list
rotor n. = rotor; a rotating part (of a machine)
rum n. = rum; alcoholic drink
rumba n. = rumba; a dance with a Latin American rhythm
rumor n. = rumor; hearsay; unconfirmed reports
safari n. = safari; a hunting expedition for big game
safron n. = saffron; a plant that produces a yellow spice
salad n. = salad; a food serving of various raw vegetables
salon n. = salon; a hairdressing shop
salsa n. = salsa; a type of fast dance from Latin America
salvo n. = a salvo; a simultaneous firing of several weapons
samba n. = samba; a rhythmic dance from Africa and Brazil
sanatorium n. = sanatorium; a treatment facility for long-term illness
sandal n. = sandal; slipper
satin n. = satin; a type of smooth and glossy fabric
satir n. = satire; sarcasm; a writing that ridicules
satire n. = satire; sarcasm; a writing that ridicules
sauna n. = sauna; a steam-bath room
scan v. = to scan; view carefully; to use an electronic scanning device
scanner n. = scanner; a device like a photocopy machine
scanning n. = scanning; using a scanner
sedan n. = sedan; a type of automobile
segmental adj. = segmental; regarding segments
semen n. = semen; sperm
semester n. = semester; a half-year school term
semifinal adj. = semifinal; next to last
seminar n. = seminar; a short educational course or meeting
senator n. = senator; a member of a senate
senior adj. = senior; more advanced in age
sensual adj. = sensual; arousing the senses, often in a sexual manner
sentimental adj. = sentimental; emotional
September n. = September
serenade n. = serenade; a musical performance for a special person
serial adj. = serial; arranged in a series
server n. = server; a computer that serves other devices
set  1. n. = a set of a tennis match, badminton match, etc.
set  2. n. = a pair; a group of related things; an apparatus
set  3. v. = to set; to place or position
simile n. = simile; a poetic comparison of one thing to another
singlet n. = singlet; a sleeveless undershirt
sinus n. = sinus; nasal cavities
sisal n. = sisal; a fibrous plant
slip n. = slip; a small piece of paper; a receipt
slogan n. = slogan; motto
Slovenia n. = Slovenia
snooker n. = snooker
snorkel n. = snorkel; an underwater breathing apparatus
soda n. = soda
sofa n. = sofa; couch; a type of long chair
software n. = software; computer programs
solar n. = solar; regarding the sun or sunlight
solder n. = solder; a type of soft welding material
solenoid n. = solenoid; a coil of wire that acts as a magnet
solo adj. = solo; singular; by one person only
sombrero n. = sombrero; a type of large hat with a wide brim
sonar n. = sonar; a system for detecting submerged objects
sonata n. = sonata; a type of musical composition
spa n. = spa; a health and fitness facility
spiral n. = spiral; a coil-shaped object; a helix
spirit  1. n. = spirit; enthusiasm
spirit  2. n. = spirit; life force; soul
spiritual adj. = spiritual; religious
sponsor n. = sponsor; patron
sport n. = sport; athletics; games
stamen n. = stamen; the pollen-bearing organ of a flower
stamina n. = stamina; endurance
stanza n. = stanza; a subsection of a poem
start v. = to start; begin
starter n. = a starter; a person or device that starts something
status n. = status; social position; rank; prestige
stereo n. = stereo; a stereophonic sound system
steroid n. = steroid
stigma n. = stigma; disgraceful image or label
stimulator n. = stimulator; something that stimulates or arouses
stimulus n. = stimulus; stimulator; something that stimulates
stock n. = a stock; a supply
stop v. = to stop; halt
strata n. = strata; layers; levels; stratum
stratum n. = stratum; layer; level; strata; seam
stroke n. = stroke; a blockage of blood flow to the brain
studio n. = studio; a type of small apartment
stupa n. = stupa; a type of Buddhist shrine
substratum n. = substratum; an underlying layer; subsurface layer
sultan n. = sultan; a Muslim sovereign
super adj. = super; extremely good
superior adj. = superior; better; preeminent
supermarket n. = supermarket; a large indoor shopping market
surplus n. = surplus; remainder; extra amount
swastika n. = swastika; a Nazi and fascist symbol
system n. = system; organization
tablet n. = tablet; pill
tabloid n. = tabloid; a type of periodic publication
tandem n. = tandem; a pair of things positioned together
tango n. = tango; a type of dance from South America
tank n. = tank; an armored fighting vehicle
tanker n. = tanker; a vehicle for carrying liquids or gas
tapir n. = tapir; a type of hoofed animal with a snout
tarantula n. = tarantula; a type of large spider
target n. = target; goal
tarpaulin n. = tarpaulin; a heavy waterproof canvas
tart n. = tart; a type of sweet food dish
tartar n. = tartar; a filmy substance that forms on teeth
tartrazine n. = tartrazine; a type of yellow food coloring
team n. = team; a group of people working together
telegram n. = telegram; a message sent by telegraph
temperamental adj. = temperamental; easily upset
temporal adj. = temporal; regarding time or worldly matters
tender n. = a tender; an offer
tendon n. = tendon; sinew
tendonitis n. = tendonitis; inflammation of a tendon
tenor n. = tenor; a type of middle range male singing voice 
term  1. n. = term; a period of time
term  2. n. = term; terminology; a word or phrase
terminal n. = terminal; terminus; station
testing n. = testing
tetanus n. = tetanus; a infectious disease affecting the muscles
tilde n. = tilde; a wavy grammatical symbol ( ~ )
tip  1. n. = a tip; a gratuity
tip  2. n. = a tip; advice; suggestion
titanium n. = titanium; a strong and lightweight metal
toga n. = toga
toilet n. = toilet; commode
ton n. = ton; a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds
tonsil n. = tonsil; fleshy tissue at the back of the mouth
top adj. = top; the best
tornado n. = tornado; whirlwind; twister
torpedo n. = torpedo; an underwater missile
torso n. = torso
total n. = total; entire; all
training n. = training; learning or improving a skill
transfer n. = transfer; conveyance
transistor n. = transistor; a type of electronic semiconductor device
transit n. = transit; traveling across; transported over
trapeze n. = trapeze; a hanging bar used for aerial acrobatics
trapezoid n. = trapezoid; a four-sided figure with sides that are not parallel
trauma n. = trauma; very serious injury or emotional shock
trek n. = a trek; a hike
tri pre. = prefix meaning three or triple
tribune n. = tribune; a speaker's platform
trio n. = trio; a group of three
trip n. = a trip; a journey
tulip n. = tulip; a plant with flowers shaped like cups
tumor n. = a tumor; an abnormal growth of body tissue
tungsten n. = tungsten; a type of metal
turbojet n. = turbojet; a jet airplane that uses turbine engines
tutor n. = tutor; a private teacher
tutorial n. = tutorial; a private lesson
TV n. = TV; television
type n. = type; style; kind
ukulele n. = ukulele; a type of small guitar
ultimatum n. = ultimatum; a final demand with threats
ultra adj. = ultra; extreme
umbra n. = umbra; an eclipse shadow on planet earth
uniform  1 n. = a uniform; clothing outfit
uniform  2. adj. = uniform; equable
unit n. = a unit; a group of things considered as one
universal adj. = universal; in general use; available to all
update n. = an update; a more recent version
upgrade n. = an upgrade; an improvement
uranium n. = uranium; a highly radioactive element
Uranus n. = Uranus (planet)
urine n. = urine; waste fluids discharged from the kidney
utopia n. = utopia; ideal state of happiness
vagina n. = vagina; a tube connecting the womb to the vulva in females
valid adj. = valid; legal and effective
valuta n. = valuta; monetary currency; rate of exchange
vandal n. = a vandal; a person who damages property for fun
ventilator n. = ventilator; a device that ventilates
Venus n. = Venus (planet)
verbal adj. = verbal; regarding verbs
verbatim adv. = verbatim; word for word; repetition of the same words
versus p. = versus; against
vertebra n. = vertebra; segments of the backbone
veteran n. = veteran; a former member of the military
veto n. = veto; a formal rejection
via p. = via; by way of; through
vial n. = vial; a small container for liquids
video n. = video; a visual recording
violet n. = violet; a color with a purple shade
violin n. = violin; a type of stringed musical instrument
virtual adj. = virtual; almost; nearly
virtuoso n. = virtuoso; a skilled performer or artist
virus n. = virus; a type of harmful microscopic organism
vista n. = vista; view
visual adj. = visual; regarding sight and seeing
vital adj. = vital; essential
vitamin n. = vitamin; essential substances in foods
vodka n. = vodka; a clear distilled alcohol
volt n. = volt; a unit of electrical measurement
volume n. = volume; quantity
voucher n. = voucher; a receipt
vulgar adj. = vulgar; raunchy
wagon n. = wagon; cart
watt n. = watt; a unit of electrical measurement
yard n. = yard; 36 inches
yodel n. = a yodel; a type of high-pitched falsetto singing
yoga n. = yoga; meditation
yuan n. = yuan; Chinese money
zebra n. = zebra; an animal similar to a horse with striped skin
zig-zag n. = zig-zag; a series of sharp left and right movements
zoom v. = to zoom; to use a telephoto lens

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